Last Week Tonight: Kids Help John Oliver Highlight the Problems With Special Districts
After picking apart Donald Drumpf and his presidential campaign on last Sunday’s episode, John Oliver used last night’s Last Week Tonight to dis
After picking apart Donald Drumpf and his presidential campaign on last Sunday’s episode, John Oliver used last night’s Last Week Tonight to dis
Could we see Emmy winners reading out meant tweets at this year’s ceremony? Now that ABC has officially announced that Jimmy Kimmel will be hosting the
We’re getting closer and closer to the end of The Bachelor and each episode is getting more interesting. Tonight is no different. On “Women Te
Carol’s baking again, which is never a good sign for The Walking Dead: there aren’t many signs more ominous than Carol in the kitchen, fretting o
Ask and ye shall receive: Shedding the excess fat of flashback scenes that have done little in the way of making the present of Vinyl any more urgent, “The
The Family, “All You See is Dark” is a good title for the show’s second episode. Despite the return of the presumed dead Adam Warren (Liam
During the first two episodes of this season of Girls, barely got to know much about Shoshanna’s new life in Japan. During the opener installment, howev
Madam Secretary has always tried to be faithful to current events, and this week is no different. In keeping with the current Refugee Crisis, this week’
At long last, Quantico has finally returned from its winter hiatus. The mid-season finale had some big reveals and cliffhanger moments, so let’s jump r