The Players of Game of Thrones Challenge Tradition in a Terrific Hour
With Bran’s visions, Dany’s power check, and Tommen’s lessons from the High Sparrow, “Oathbreaker” is an hour of learning for th
With Bran’s visions, Dany’s power check, and Tommen’s lessons from the High Sparrow, “Oathbreaker” is an hour of learning for th
Silicon Valley does a lot of things well. The cringe-inducing moments that happen each episode only happen because you care about the main characters so much
It takes a lot to make me cry. However, when it comes to series finales of my favorite shows I will bawl my eyes out. I did it with Friends, The Office, How
Before the two-hour season finale next week, Once Upon A Time delivered some serious blows in this week’s antepenultimate installment (technically, be
Opening with a satanic self-immolation and a rape scene, “Only One Way A Dogfight Ends” certainly doesn’t get off to a promising start, imme
Well we appear to have a sudden barrage of season finale synopses of all the DC shows currently on air. We’re pretty close to all of their season finale
So soon after losing Cami, we’re already saying goodbye to another character who has been around since the beginning. Davina and Cami’s deaths wil
The loophole to save Bonnie’s life turned her into Rayna 2.0. Bonnie has been a witch, a ghost, an anchor to the Other Side, but we’ve never seen
Did you watch that first episode? If not, what in the name of Dracula are you doing here? For your information, SHOWTIME has a free trial period which you can