What are the Odds That the 2018 World Cup is Won by Russia?
Unlike most of the world, soccer (the rest of the world calls it football) is not America’s favorite sport. It’s not even second or third.
Unlike most of the world, soccer (the rest of the world calls it football) is not America’s favorite sport. It’s not even second or third.
When promoting a film, the stars of said film often have to do interviews that they don’t really want to do, however it’s in their contract so mak
Days of Our Lives fans are excited that someone has finally noticed that a plane is missing. Now that everyone is aware this group is now missing means itR
There is no doubt that Bailee Madison is rising quickly in her acting career. Her roles in the films “Just Go With It” and “Brothers”
Product placement in films is a multi billion dollar industry. The lengths companies go and the money they spend to be part of major motion films is a humon
Most fan recognize David Mazouz from his role as the Young Bruce Wayne on the Fox series “Gotham.” He is hitting the ground running and off to a v
As Matthew McConaughey says in the film “death always wins,” or so we think. The film The Dark Tower has just released three new teasers for its
In April 2006, a short guy with bleach blonde hair named Guy Fieri won the second season of “The Next Food Network Star”. After that, the unusual chef mad
Wonder Woman opened to an eye popping $200 million plus worldwide over the weekend and it’s safe to say this movie is going to be talked about for a ver