The Top Five Ving Rhames Movie Roles of His Career
Ving Rhames has the meats! Sorry, I saw that somewhere and I had to get it out. Ving Rhames has that deep, bass voice that is hard to mistake for anyone else
Ving Rhames has the meats! Sorry, I saw that somewhere and I had to get it out. Ving Rhames has that deep, bass voice that is hard to mistake for anyone else
It would have to be kind of annoying to think that song that was yours and was something great was in fact a song that you’d heard somewhere else and th
The Moody Blues started out in Birmingham, England in the early to mid-1960’s playing rhythm and blues, but swiftly changed to a fusion of rock and clas
The real story about how Titanic got made wasn’t the crazy part, it was the journey that it took to finish it and make it turn a profit. The idea behind
Rita Garcia is the newest co-host for Good Day LA. She’ll be taking over for Steve Edwards and is considered to be a great addition to an already profes
When you look at the size of him you can easily believe that Andre the Giant could tie one on and most likely did during the filming of The Princess Bride. Lo
David Bowie had to change his name twice, does anyone recall why? It sounds like more of a joke and there’s actually a third time in there to hear Conan
Gary Marshall was a talented man that did a lot during his career and started off as a joke writer as well as a writer for The Tonight Show. His movies were s
I’m not a Thomas the Train fan mostly because I think the show is a little creepy but I’ll admit that the stunts performed with the toys are prett