What It Feels Like To Head-First Skeleton Bobsled Down A Track at 90MPH
At 90 MPH, Daly experiences five Gs of force heading into the track’s banked corners, which makes his eight-pound head, sitting just an inch above the i
At 90 MPH, Daly experiences five Gs of force heading into the track’s banked corners, which makes his eight-pound head, sitting just an inch above the i
Erik Satie was a French composer who was considered to be a bit of an eccentric person as well. His music is quite capable of lulling a person to sleep or cal
From a first person POV this LEGO roller coaster is an impressive sight and a fun ride to contemplate. Built out of 90,000 LEGO’s this wild ride is some
Jim Carrey can get serious in a movie scene, it’s entirely possible if you’ve ever watched some of his movies since despite being the funny man fo
The Firm is a gripping thriller based on the novel by John Grisham. Mitch is the guy that doesn’t have a lot but is a promising student that knows how t
Diane Keaton is a great yeller. She has had freakouts onscreen that can rival that of just about any man for intensity if not volume and strength. She’s
Katrina & The Waves were a British-American rock band that really only had one hit song but were known far and wide for it during their run. They lasted u
Ilana Glazer kind of strikes one as the kind of person that isn’t idle but still takes life at her own pace which is something interesting to note. She&
It’s very cool to think that Peter Cullen is the voice of Optimus Prime and the Predator. His vocalizations are so great that you can hear Optimus Prime