10 Things You Didn’t Know about Omar Dorsey

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Omar Dorsey

Everybody loves a good love story, and there’s no story quite as sweet at the one between Hollywood and Aunt Vi. As two of Queen Sugar’s most likable characters, the couple has become ‘relationship goals’ for a lot of people. That honor is largely thanks to Omar Dorsey, who has done a wonderful job of bringing Hollywood to life. The talented actor has a versatile skill set that has allowed him to authentically portray each part of the role. In addition to the excitement of Queen Sugar entering its 5th season, Omar is also going to be playing James Cleveland in the upcoming season of Genius. Here are 10 things you didn’t know about Omar Dorsey.

1. He’s A Georgia Native

Southern roots are something that Omar and Hollywood certainly have it common. Omar was born and raised outside of Atlanta and he is very proud to be from Georgia. Even though Los Angeles is the place he calls home these days, the south will always have a place in his heart.

2. He’s A Director And Producer

People are used to seeing Omar in front of the camera, but that isn’t the only place where he likes to tell stories. He also has some experience directing and producing. We weren’t able to find any information on whether or not he plans to do more behind the scenes work.

3. He’s A Husband And Father

Hollywood and Aunt Vi’s love story may not be real, but Omar has a love story of his very own. He and his wife, Conisha Wade, have been happily married since 2012. The couple has two children together. Conisha is also an actress although she only has three on screen credits at the moment.

4. He Loves To Travel

Omar is an adventurous person who is always looking for ways to get the most out of life. Traveling has become one of his favorite ways to do that and he enjoys getting the chance to visit different places. Thanks to his career he has gotten to travel often and in January 2021, he took a trip to Kenya.

5. Django Was His Most Challenging Project

Most actors have at least one project that really brought them to the limit, and for Omar, that project was the 2012 movie Django Unchained. During an interview with Imprint Entertainment he said, “I was in Louisiana for 5 months shooting. I looked at myself in the mirror one day and I just started crying because this is what my ancestors looked like 400 years ago. I don’t think I could ever play a slave again, it brought a lot of out of me.”

6. His Mother Also Works In The Arts

Omar was blessed to grow up in a home where interests in the arts were strongly supported. His mother was a creative director and Omar spent lots of time watching her directed different theater shows. Being surrounded by creativity made Omar realize that he wanted to be an actor at a very early age.

7. He Has Theater Experience

Not only has Omar seen a lot of theater over the years, but he’s been involved in it as well. He started his career in the Atlanta theater scene and he’s always loved being on stage. These days, his attention is focused on on screen roles, but the stage will always be calling his name.

8. He Is Always Looking For Ways To Grow

Some people start to get complacent after they’ve reached a certain level of success, but that isn’t Omar’s style. He told The Great Discontent, “If I’m ever satisfied, that’s when I stop growing. I’m not where I want to be as an artist or as a man. There is always room to grow. When you stop growing, you start dying. I want to continue to grow in artistic and personal spaces.”

9. His Goal Is To Be Able To Play Every Kind Of Character

Type casting is a hard reality of the entertainment business, but Omar wants the world to know that there isn’t any kind of character he can’t play. While talking to The Great Discontent he shared that he wants his legacy to be that he can play any role that comes his way. He also added, ” I want to show a Black masculinity that has a softer side to it and is a real person. I’m a Black man and I’m super masculine, but I also want to show that there are colors to this thing, and it’s not the same paint by numbers that we always get.”

10. He’s Close With His Queen Sugar Co-Stars

Many of us spend more time at work than we do anywhere else, so it’s always nice when you can build great relationships with your co-workers. Fortunately for Omar, this is something he’s been able to do on the set of Queen Sugar.  He and his cast mates have gotten very close and they spend time together even when they aren’t filming.

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