No Game No Life is a series of light novels published in Japan that eventually provided a season of a Japanese anime television series under the same name. Although there has been some question as to the popularity of the series on a worldwide basis, the series did develop some devoted fans. Those fans have been wondering recently whether or not a second season is ever going to happen. In order to try to find an answer to that question, it’s important to explore how it all got started and where it could potentially be going.
Between 2012 and 2018, there were 10 different books that were released as part of the series of light novels. Eventually, those light novels were turned into manga which were then further adapted into Japanese anime.The entire story centers around a group of kids that are trying to overthrow the god of games. In order to do that, they have to challenge him to a number of different board games, beating him at every turn. The series follows not only their efforts to do exactly that, but all of the twists and turns that would naturally come with such an adventure.
The First Anime Project
In 2017, a film was released as a Japanese anime adaptation of the sixth out of the ten books. It was called No Life, No Game Zero. This served to further increase the popularity of the story in Japan, resulting in another manga spin-off, as well as licensing deals to further develop projects based on the original light novels all over the world. The first season of the anime series dates back even further, all the way back to 2014. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a great deal of news about a second season since it ended that same year. Many people expected a number of projects to follow directly on its heels, because it was extremely popular with fans and received a great deal of critical acclaim to boot. However, things have been fairly silent on the front of No Game, No Life since then, at least as far as any anime adaptations are concerned.
Will Season Two Ever Come?
Officially, the studio has not made any comment about a second season one way or the other. However, many people that are in the know seem to think that a second season will eventually happen. There are a couple of situations that could potentially change things, but a lot of them are anticipating an official announcement about the next season of the anime series sometime within the next 12 to 18 months. It is worth noting that the author of the light novels from which the series is based has had some health issues recently, even to the point of being put in the hospital. There has been some concern recently that the anime series may not move forward unless the 11th volume of the light novels is published, as there may not be enough source material to do an entire second season. Therefore, things seem to hinge on whether or not another novel will be published. If the author is physically able to publish another volume and wants to do so, there shouldn’t be any questions about having enough source material for the second season. However, if that doesn’t happen, it could end the project before another season even gets off the ground.
Other Issues
In addition to the author’s health issues, there has been some speculation that somehow, somewhere, certain aspects of the story were plagiarized in one respect or another. This might explain why the studio has largely been very quiet about doing anything further on the project, much less confirming another season. This is alarming, to say the least. However, it’s important to remember that all of this is speculation. There hasn’t been a great deal of information available about exactly what was plagiarized, if anything. This issue has caused a great deal of confusion. As such, it has brought forward certain doubts about whether or not the project will actually move forward at some point.
Waiting With Bated Breath
For now, fans can’t really do a lot except wait. This is especially true if they’ve already read all 10 volumes of the light novels, as there isn’t anything isn’t anything else available right now. As such, they’re forced to wait for new source material and wait to see whether or not any announcements will ever be made about a second season of the show. Typically, most people would probably say that any hope of a second season is completely outside of the realm of possibility, given the fact that the first season aired all the way back in 2014. Even in the world of anime, that is a very long time. However, there have been projects associated with the story that have been done since then. Remember, an anime adaptation was released as a film in 2017, making it much more feasible that additional projects might come forward in the future. It isn’t that uncommon to have four or five years between projects when it comes to Japanese anime, thus giving fans hope that something will be announced relatively soon.
In the meantime, fans have two options. They can re-watch the first season and they can go back and read the first 10 volumes of the light novels again. By the time they get through all of that, perhaps there will be some type of official announcement about either a second season or at the very least, an 11th volume in the novels. For now, fans will have to wait and do the very best they can to contain their excitement about any potential projects that might be coming in the future. That said, there is nothing wrong with hoping that something will be announced officially. Even given the relatively long span of time between projects, it is possible that something could be forthcoming relatively soon. For now, fans will just have to wait and see what happens.
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