Masters of Horror: Every Mike Flanagan Movie According to Rotten Tomatoes, Ranked

Few filmmakers have had as much success as Mike Flanagan’s movies in the horror genre. As one of the masters of horror in Hollywood, most of Flanagan’s movies with theatrical releases have largely been successful at the Box Office. He has also worked extensively on television as the creator of five TV series.

Unsurprisingly, Blumhouse Productions has hired Mike Flanagan to write, direct, and produce a reboot of the Exorcist franchise. This comes on the heels of Flanagan’s successful Netflix gothic horror drama The Fall of the House of Usher. Although his last feature film release was in 2019, his next movie, The Life of Chuck, is in post-production. Here’s a ranking of every Mike Flanagan movie according to their Rotten Tomatoes score.

Before I Wake

Rotten Tomatoes: 67%

Then nine-year-old Jacob Tremblay played the foster child, Cody Morgan, in the 2016 Before I Wake. With Kate Bosworth and Thomas Jane playing the adoptive parents, Before I Wake centered around a gifted Cody whose dreams come alive. At first, when he becomes a member of the Hobson family, Jessie (Bosworth) and Mark (Jane) appreciate his gifts, especially his ability to conjure their son, who earlier died from drowning. However, they soon discover Cody’s nightmares also become a reality. Before I Wake received above-average reviews and ratings from critics.


Rotten Tomatoes: 75%

The 2013 Oculus was Mike Flanagan’s sophomore feature film. It was also Scottish actress and filmmaker Karen Gillan‘s first American role. Oculus centered around an antique mirror with supernatural powers that induce hallucinations. The movie’s plot is told in two timelines, 11 years apart. Gillen and Brenton Thwaites played the older Kaylie Russell and Tim Russell, who lost their parents to the mirror’s influence when they were 12 and 10, respectively. After premiering at the 2013 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), Oculus was released theatrically to become a Box Office success. It grossed $44 million on a $5 million budget.

Doctor Sleep

Rotten Tomatoes: 78%

Mike Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep is the sequel to Stanley Kubrick‘s 1980 film The Shining. The movie was also based on Stephen King’s 2013 novel of the same name. With Doctor Sleep in the same shared universe, its protagonist, Dan Torrance (Ewan McGregor), is an alcoholic with psychic powers. Although Doctor Sleep received generally positive reviews, it was a Box Office disappointment, earning $72.3 million on a $45–55 million budget. Mike Flanagan’s direction received tremendous praise, but the movie’s 152-minute runtime was heavily criticized. For about half a century, Doctor Sleep has been Mike Flanagan’s last released feature film.

Ouija: Origin of Evil

Rotten Tomatoes: 83%

The 2016 Ouija: Origin of Evil movie was created as a prequel to the 2014 Stiles White’s Ouija film. The movie follows a family consisting of a young widow and two daughters. The family’s work is to portray Alice Zander (Elizabeth Reaser) as a spiritual medium to unsuspecting clients. However, after Alice brings home an Ouija board, the youngest daughter, Doris Zander (Lulu Wilson), is quickly possessed by a spirit known as Marcus. Things go from bad to worse when the Ouija board unleashes several evil spirits, destroying what was left of the Zander family.


Rotten Tomatoes: 88%

Absentia was Mike Flanagan’s directorial debut. The movie’s fund was sourced from the Kickstarter crowdfunding website, with Flanagan writing, producing, directing, and editing the movie. Released in March 2011, over a decade ago, Absentia still holds an approval rating of 88% on Rotten Tomatoes. Absentia centered around Tricia Riley (Courtney Bell), a pregnant woman who finally agrees to let go of her husband, who has been missing for seven years. As she prepares to sign his dead in absentia documents, he mysteriously returns but disappears again. 

Gerald’s Game

Rotten Tomatoes: 91%

Mike Flanagan successfully created Stephen King’s 1992 novel, which was largely considered unfilmable by many. Gerald’s Game is led by Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood, who played a couple and led the few-member cast of the movie. The movie’s plot begins with a couple who go on a romantic getaway in an isolated lake house. While trying to spice up their sex life, the husband handcuffs his wife to the bed but suffers a heart attack and dies shortly after. Gerald’s Game follows the woman’s struggles to free herself while facing her inner demons created by childhood trauma. Gerald’s Game is considered one of Mike Flanagan’s best works on the big screen.

Hush (2016) 93%

Rotten Tomatoes: 93%

Mike Flanagan’s highest-rated movie, according to Rotten Tomatoes approval ratings, is his 2016 slasher movie Hush. Judging by release dates, it is Flanagan’s third released feature film. Kate Siegel led the cast as Madison “Maddie” Young, a deaf-mute horror novel author living alone in the woods with her cat. Her peaceful life is intruded upon when a killer follows her friend to her cabin. Hush follows her determination to survive against all odds. If you enjoyed reading about Mike Flanagan’s Rotten Tomatoes ranking of his movies, also read Richard Linklater’s 5 best movies according to Rotten Tomatoes.

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