How I Met Your Mother Episode 7.08 “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns” Reviw

How I Met Your Mother Episode 7.08 “The Slutty Pumpkin Returns”  ReviwSo the Slutty Pumpkin returned.

In other news, Barney is a quarter Canadian and Lily has major pregnancy brain. Last night’s holiday themed episode of How I Met Your Mother brought us some laughs and some groans and overall was a very uneven episode. So let’s suss out the good and the bad, shall we…

The Good: Robin and Barney. Canadian vs. American/quarter Canadian.

Every time I found myself laughing out loud last night was at these two. Robin’s incessant nagging of Barney’s Canadian ancestry was hilarious and totally called for given all the crap he’s given her about her heritage over the years. His entrance to the party set to ‘Living in America’was epic as was Barney crying in the mirror in his Mountie costume. This whole storyline was a win and I hope Robin continues to tease Barney all season. Also I loved the Ducky Tie wrapped around his arm.

The Bad: Everything about the slutty pumpkin storyline.

I get that Ted’s interactions with his long lost dream girl were supposed to be a disappointment to him but none of the awkwardness with Naomi (Katie Holmes) was that funny…it was just awkward. K Maybe the slutty pumpkin was bound to be a disappointment given the history of the character?

The Marshall/Lily plot of the night was nothing spectacular but overall more fun and amusing than Ted’s. I especially enjoyed Lily’s inability to say things correctly at MacLaren’s.

Maybe I am just ready for us to meet the mother and for me to care about the characters they way I did last season when Marshall’s father died. How about you? Did you enjoy the slutty pumpkin? What was your favorite storyline of the night?

Quips of the night:

  • ‘I want scotch…American scotch from Scotland.’— Barney
  • ‘I really really like her. I just don’t seem to like anything she says or does.’— Ted re: Naomi
  • ‘Its wrong to bang a drunk chick but you’re an idiot if you don’t get a little something.’Re: Lily’s pregnancy brain
  • ‘I’ve got pregnancy brain like a fiddle and I’ve been playing you like a fox.’— Lily
  • ‘Look at how happy and sweet and unarmed they all are.’— Lily re: trick-or-treaters
  • ‘Into the hidden camera at future me watching it.’— Barney re: where he looks during sex

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