The Five Best Meagan Good Movies of Her Career

Meagan Good is among those actors that took on older roles during her career and eventually grew into them as her reputation continued to grow. Managed by her mother for a good amount of time she’s kind of escaped any huge notice for a big part of her career, though she’s been around for a good amount of time and as a result of sticking it out and doing her absolute best she’s become someone that people have come to recognize and appreciate since she’s been seen as a skilled and very talented actress. While she might not be known on the same scale as some of her peers she’s a face and an act that you don’t just forget about since in one way she seems so inherently innocent and fresh-faced that it’s a breath of fresh air, but in the next breath she’s definitely the picture of class and classic beauty that tends to grab at one’s attention.

Here are her five best movies.

5. Think Like a Man

According to Nellie Andreeva of Deadline this movie was on line to become a TV show at one point several years ago, but it’s kind of obvious that not that much came of it. The whole idea of women trying to flip the script on men by attempting to think like them and figure them out tends to backfire in a big way since on average men and women just don’t think alike and it’s kind of obvious. Whether that’s a good or bad thing really depends on the individual, but realizing this biological and societal-based fact is something that a lot of couples throughout history have done well to consider and even follow as a recognized truth.

4. Eve’s Bayou

Angelica Jade Bastien of Vulture is more than a little correct in alluding to the emotions created by this movie since it is laced with the feeling that things are as right as they can get without really digging in all at once to the fact that they’re not. A father and husband that has betrayed the trust of his family and his wife most of all is the reason behind things falling apart, but not the only one as his daughters struggle with the idea of whether or not to tell their mother, who is already becoming suspicious. When one of his younger daughters asks a witch to lay a curse on him however things turn out a little different than she’d thought they would when her father ends up paying for his infidelity.

3. The Intruder

Joe Leydon of Variety tends to think that this movie is a bit contrived but in reality it’s the kind of thing that you might worry over in real life since no matter how hammy it sounds to him there’s a good chance throughout history that there have been individuals like this that simply don’t want to let go of what’s theirs, or at least what used to be theirs. The story might be kind of predictable but that tends to make it even more horrifying since the characters in the story don’t really know what’s coming. No one wants to believe that anyone could be this obsessive about anything, but the fact is that people are funny creatures when it comes to the reality they accept.

2. Brick

Brick is one of those movies that you need to pay strict attention to since it doesn’t really hold you by the hand to guide you along a twisting and seemingly convoluted course that ends up being about a very simplistic plot. While Good’s part isn’t entirely noticeable from the trailer it’s enough to say that she was in the movie since it turned out to be one of those that people have spoken about now and again as though it’s a club secret that only the initiated get to know about. In truth it’s a semi-intellectual movie that will likely challenge some people and make others wonder just what they watched.

1. Shazam!

A lot of people were likely hoping to see Black Adam as the main antagonist of this movie but honestly that seems as though it would have been a bad idea right from the start. For one, Billy and his new family had everything they could take with the demons they fought, and Black Adam might have been written in to mow them down without a thought. There’s no doubt a lot of room for development with this movie, but moving forward it’s going to be hard to say whether or not we’ll see a sequel with everyone returned to their temporary glory. It was fun to watch for the most part though, especially when it came to the final battle.

Her reputation has risen in a big way along with her career, and it will be interesting to see what she does moving forward.

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