credit: Marvel Comics
Making bold claims when it comes to DC and Marvel, and who could beat who has become something of a favored pastime for fans since while there are plenty of people who enjoy both franchises, there’s always the need to push one character above another, just for kicks. But there are characters who, if unleashed and allowed to maximize their full potential, could end up running roughshod over either franchise.
Let’s be fair and say that there are DC characters who could do the same, but when it comes to attacks that are hard to guard against, such as telepathy and anything that can affect a person on a molecular level, it’s easy to think that Jean has a serious advantage on just about anyone in the DC universe. There are those who would give her a seriously tough fight and those who are so OP that they would annihilate her.
It’s even possible that if enough people banded together, she would be overwhelmed, but one thing that no one should do is count out one of the most powerful figures in all of Marvel, especially if she fought against those who didn’t know her potential.

credit: DC Comics
Any combatant that couldn’t mask their presence would be in trouble before they were even within sight.
Jean’s ability to detect the thoughts of others enables her to literally sense when others are near, and as a result, she could have them on lockdown before they ever came close, thanks to the fact that her mental strength is capable of standing up to just about anyone and could knock down the defenses of most characters without too much effort. Even the Green Lanterns couldn’t summon enough will to keep her out for long.
The only thing that could stop Jean in her tracks is, well, Jean. The fact that she has a conscious and isn’t willing to kill people or harm them without cause often means that she would hold back considerably and probably be content with shutting down those within the DC universe rather than ending them. But for the purpose of this article, I’ll be assuming that there’s no pity or sympathy left in Jean’s mind at the moment, which means that she would be unleashing the full force of her power. A lot of heroes and villains wouldn’t survive the initial onslaught if she let go of her morals. That’s just fact.
Ganging up on Jean would be the only way a lot of the DC universe could take her down.
If the heroes and villains combined their efforts, then it could happen that Jean would be overwhelmed, and she might end up falling to the gathered force. But even this feels like it would be a harder fight than a lot of people are willing to admit since the truth is that with the Phoenix at her disposal and without her morals in place, Jean is a scary individual since the power that she can unleash at a moment’s notice can do more than just produce a fiery entity that can decimate anyone who doesn’t have serious resistances in place.
At some point, the only thing that would save a good number of DC characters would be the insane plot armor that, yes, is sometimes far superior to anything that Marvel has given their characters. Both franchises are well-known to provide plot armor and plot immunity when it’s necessary since the need to top each other is a constant that never really goes away. But Jean’s base form is powerful enough to deal an unrelenting amount of damage to the DC roster, and if the Phoenix was allowed to join the effort, a lot of them wouldn’t survive that long.

credit: Marvel Comics
The ability to mask her own presence could prove to be a huge advantage in any fight.
Think of it, a telepath that could hide away from the senses of others, who could strike at people in the past, and who could strike from multiple angles with so many different attacks. This kind of opponent wouldn’t just annihilate their enemies. They would end up destroying any chance of winning since the Phoenix has been listed as second only to the likes of the Living Tribunal and The One Above All, meaning that its power is insurmountable to all but the most powerful individuals in Marvel. When she moves at the speed of thought and can strike from such an incredible distance, it’s fair to say that Jean Grey wielding the Phoenix Force, is an enemy that shouldn’t be taken lightly.
If the gloves were off, so to speak, Jean, armed with the Phoenix Force, is a power that no one would want to stand against.
That kind of says it all right there. People might want to talk about unrelenting power, but the Phoenix is a force that continually rises from the ashes, as the legends go, and with a favored host to keep bringing back, it wouldn’t matter if DC characters ganged up on Jean, as she would likely come back again and again for payback, eventually winning a war of attrition.
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