Jane the Virgin Review: Jane Finally Loses It!

Jane the Virgin

She’s waited 25 years, she’s waited till marriage, and now Jane can finally say she is a virgin no longer. It’s been an incredibly long road to this moment, which at one point almost didn’t include Michael in the journey. Jane finally worked it out, married her soul mate, and settled into the next chapter of her life. Though she could have done without her husband being shot on their wedding day. No more distractions, no more interference. Join us in rejoicing that Jane the Virgin is now Jane the Virgin.

First we need to quickly go over what led to Jane and Michael getting into their groove. Rogelio has found the perfect way to break into American television. Instead of molding himself into something the networks need in guest-starring roles, why doesn’t he just create his own crossover role. It’s never been a more exciting, inclusive, innovative time in television than right now. Why not bring ‘The Passions of Santos’ to the U.S.? In a playful twist of irony, Rogelio shops his idea to the CW! Very nicely done there! They even film inside The CW studios! The only problem is that the network wants to launch the show with Rob Lowe as Santos. Rogelio is not pleased, but has to think as a producer first. If he wants to have a large presence on the show, he’s going to have to be creative. He decides to call in a favor 20 years in the making.

When Xiomara doesn’t get a callback from her audition for The Voice, she seriously considers giving up her dream of singing. It’s up to Jane and Rogelio to make Xiomara’s dreams come true, but they need a little help. Rafael lets them use the Marbella for Xiomara’s informal audition for one of Rogelio’s friends, but the guy backs out at the last minute. Rogelio uses his personal favor instead for Xiomara. Rogelio is always bragging about his connections, but who knew that he could call in a favor from Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estevez! If you do not know who these people are you need to finish this review and research the most influential Latinos. The #EsteDuo are at the top of the food chain! Xiomara has never had a better opportunity than this, but she wastes it talking about other career paths. Jane is so upset that Xiomara seems to be giving up on her dream that she gets into an argument with Gloria Estefan and Emilio Estevez! I should explain that Jane is under some emotional stress at the moment, otherwise she would never get into an argument with the Latino equivalency of royalty.

Jane and Michael got the greenlight from the doctor to have sex, but then they were constantly being blocked. First Rogelio organized the movers, then the rest of the family came over for a big housewarming party. Not to worry, they did eventually get there. Michael interrupted Jane working on the pages for her thesis so they could finally consummate her marriage. Recall that Jane is basing her thesis on her grandmother’s life, particularly her grandparent’s love story and their move to the U.S. Interesting fact: Jane’s grandparents moved to the U.S. after her sister told Mateo Sr.’s family that Alba wasn’t a virgin. Jane was filming that part of her grandmother’s story for further details for her thesis, but accidentally ended up recording her first time with Michael. Always close the technology before doing the deed! It’s the 21st century people, be smart.

Her professor does end up opening the video, but shuts up when Jane tells her it was her first time. Her professor actually believes this is why Jane’s work has been suffering in the intimacy category. Now that Jane has some experience, she can use it in her writing. The only problem is that Jane faked it. No one ever told her that the first time could be something other than great. Jane tries to spice things up, which only makes things worse. Jane and Michael decide to work these glitches out on their own, but Jane really needs someone to talk to. She should be talking to her mom about this, but instead opens up to Lina, who can’t keep her mouth shut to save Jane’s marriage. Michael is upset, and Jane finally gives herself permission to break down. Being a virgin was apart of her identity for so long. If she can’t get it right with the man she loves, what was the point in letting that part of herself go? Xo tells her daughter to go easy on herself. Getting into a good groove takes time. When it’s meant to be right, it will be. Jane and Michael try one more time, and boy is it right! Kudos to the writers for that animated rocket launch!

There’s someone who’s been missing for awhile who has no trouble in the sex department. Luisa has been living the life, head over heels in love with Rose on a high-powered submarine. Not even the fact that Rose murdered her father can keep Luisa from jumping her. That doesn’t mean Luisa’s forgotten. She asks Rose for the list of people she’s killed, and it’s more extensive that Rose’s little black book. What’s more, the reality of this list makes Luisa slightly afraid of Rose. So Rose lets her go home to Rafael. Once there Luisa tells Rafael and Michael everything, including two familiar names on Rose’s kill list: Rafael’s half-brother and mother.

Was the big Jane the Virgin moment everything we wanted it to be?

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