It’s not entirely surprising that Raised by Wolves would be canceled, but it’s also fair to say that this could be just a bump in the road if the show can find a new home. It does feel as though this show has been all over the map in terms of its main story and the side stories that have been told. While everything is meant to come together in one cohesive tale, it comes off as something closer to an anthology of stories that are wrapped around a core that gives them the ability to affect each other in a direct way. But whether people agree or not, the fact is that there’s a loose thread in the story that changes with every episode and yet is easy to discover since it tends to whip around in a manner that makes the tale hard to hold onto at times. When it comes to enjoying the overall story it’s not too hard if one watches the tale from the start, but even then it might be a little tough since the story has a very fast and loose feel to it.
When Mother and Father, two androids who are tasked with the future of the human race, crash land in an inhospitable region where next to nothing grows, they begin to raise six children that have been sent to be raised to start humanity anew. In the meantime, a war between Atheists and those who follow Sol has ravaged the planet and created an uninhabitable ecosystem that forces humanity to look to other planets as a home. The whole story becomes an us vs. them type of tale in which the lines are blurred quite often and those who are sworn enemies end up becoming allies out of necessity, only to become enemies once again as the story moves forward.
Between the alliances, the betrayals, and everything else that comes along, this story tends to feel more like a science fiction mixed with a soap opera at times, but it does retain enough of itself to continue in an entertaining manner. Where it tends to trip up at times is when it decides to peel away from the main thrust of the story. Some might argue that it never does this, and that’s not entirely inaccurate, but the story does tend to peel itself like an onion. The problem is that it leaves its layers hanging out where they might be pressed back into placed or torn in a ragged manner from the core, thereby leaving a lot of plot holes that need to be filled. In a sense, this story tears itself apart only to build itself back up in an odd way as the episodes move along since it does delve deeper into its own lore, but it doesn’t do a lot to explain that lore as it moves along. The whole idea of creating the lore for a show is great, but if it’s coming from a comic or a book then it’s likely that a lot of people watching will have never taken the time to enjoy the literature and might need a little more help when it comes to understanding what’s going on.
It’s not too hard to think that the showrunner might attempt to get someone else interested in this series, especially since the end of season 2 ended on one hell of a cliffhanger that needs to be explained. But thinking about who is going to be willing to pick this show up is tough since it was featured on HBO Max, which is a big deal for a lot of shows and movies since HBO has been a tried and true name for so long that it’s still an honor to be considered as one of its properties. There are plenty of other streamers out there that could give at least a little consideration to this show, especially since it does have a solid base to work from and possibly a lot more story left to be told. But one thing about being canceled is that it does take a tremendous bit of effort to return from this act unless the fans are ready and willing to fight for it.
If fans come out in a big way to keep this show around it’s going to be a little bit surprising since it’s not a bad show, but it’s about as middle of the road as it gets since it’s not so epic that it can be considered worth taking on unless there’s an idea that it can do something that other shows can’t. When it comes to science fiction this show has several great ideas, but the execution has been a little dodgy as of late, and it’s not tough at all to say that it could use a lot of help.
several great ideas
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