Chalk another one up for the good guys. First Bill O’Reilly gets the boot. Now it’s Alex Jones who is getting the rightful treatment. While he didn’t get kicked off his show just yet, he just lost a major battle in court. Only yesterday we ran an article on why Alex Jones takes off his shirt so much. I bring this up because that’s the least of this man’s issues. Jones, as you know is the host of psychotic conspiracy theory show Infowars. On it, Jones gets riled up spitting out insane claims like how ISIS was formed or denying that the Sandy Hook shootings never even took place. He has a small but extremely loyal following.
Recently his lawyer came out and said that Jones’s persona on TV is nothing more than that. It’s all an “act.” We found out his lawyer said this because Jones was in the middle of a custody battle over his kids. The thing is, if it is in fact a persona, how do you live with yourself spitting out this crap day after day? I’d almost have more respect if Jones actually believed all the garbage he spews. At least then he’d have integrity. Turns out that court judges aren’t buying his lawyer’s claims.
A Texas jury has stripped right-wing TV host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones of primary custody of his children and awarded joint custody to his ex-wife. A Travis County jury returned the decision shortly before midnight Thursday after nine hours of deliberation. The verdict means that Jones will have visitation rights with the children, ages 9, 12 and 14, but that ex-wife Kelly Jones will establish their primary residence. State District Judge Orlinda Naranjo also announced that Kelly Jones will decide where the children will live, The Austin American-Statesman reports..
I sincerely hope that Kelly Jones moves to Hawaii.
Photo: Tamir Kalifa, AP
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