I’d Like To Address How Amazing Classical Baby Is

I’d Like To Address How Amazing Classical Baby Is

As a parent, one of the biggest challenges to a young child is finding something that will keep them occupied. It’s often difficult to spend every single waking moment with your child so you want to make sure that if you are in fact trying to distract them with television, that it’s something they like. As important, you don’t want the program to completely waste their time. An education element is also key. For the super young children like your 1-3 year old’s, this isn’t an easy task.

But there’s one program that I call my “go to” and that’s Classical Baby. The series began in 2005 and there are only 5 total episodes. As far as I’m concerned these episodes should live in eternity as possibly the best compilation of children’s programming on television.

Classical Baby is the name of an HBO television series touted as a show for parents to watch with their babies. The show features pieces of classical music played while images of clowns, animals, and works of art are shown. Critics, including some child psychologists, have condemned the show, which premiered on May 14, 2005, for marketing television to babies.

They contend that television is generally unhealthy for children, and that such a promotion is geared towards acclimating children to television at too young an age. Nevertheless, the show won two Emmy Awards in 2006: one for Outstanding Children’s Program and another for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Animation given to animator Barbara Wierzchowska.

This show is NOT damaging to children.  It exposes them to classical music and art.  How is that a bad thing?

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