How the Show “Property Brothers” Has Evolved Since Season 1

How the Show “Property Brothers” Has Evolved Since Season 1

Watching the Property Brothers one might sigh and think ‘here comes another ‘reality’ TV show featuring actors trying to make it seem that they know what they’re talking about’. In truth however both Drew and Jonathan both have their licenses and are able to perform the duties that they take on in the show. The fact that they’re so disarming in their appearance and performance is just another part of who they are and also a byproduct of the fact that they’ve taken their turns at being actors in the past. This however is not a strike against them as it does allow both brothers to really get into the more dramatic aspect of the show and really play it up when they need to. They do know what they’re doing honestly, but there are a few things about the show that have come out since it first aired and there are a few things that have changed.

Let’s take a look.

In the early days it seemed they catered to a higher income audience

That really hasn’t changed, but the explanation surrounding it has come to light throughout the seasons as more and more people look into the show. One thing you’ve got to understand about any renovation project is that it’s not something you wade into praying there’s a solid bottom that will determine your budget. Renovations, as it’s been seen on the show, can get messy, hazardous, and very, very costly. That’s why the show tends to require a budget of no less than $90,000 with a workable cushion for any added expenses. The brothers aren’t known for taking on projects that are bound to be cheap, as the show tends to be designed to look for homes that can accommodate a very specific wish list for those that can afford it. Even when they go over budget however you’ll notice that many people will either compromise and take something off of their wish list or will somehow manage to come up with more money for just such a contingency. It’s not something that people want to see happen, but renovations are tricky things at times, especially if the home in question happens to be a bit older.

The brothers have gone back to their acting roots at least once or twice since the show started.

In truth they’ve done mostly cameos or guest appearances but it would seem that they do want to keep themselves available for other projects when they have the time. When the show started they’d already had a few appearances and seemed to be settled into the idea of running their business and filming the show. It might be that acting is a bigger draw than some people think but considering that they’ve been in business together for 15 years or more it’s also easy to think that they wouldn’t want to rock the boat either. Seeing them pop up in various places now and again on TV seems to indicate that they’re more than willing to cash in on the fame given to them by their show and simply make their career in TV a bit of fun at the same time. It’s not a bad idea really since it keeps their image fresh and reminds people of who they are from time to time.

It’s become clearer just what the brothers do with each season.

One thing you can bet on is that while they are capable of doing everything, Drew and Jonathan hire out crews of people, usually local, to do the bulk of the work. They get the new owners as involved as possible when it comes to the earliest stages of the show, but after everything is torn out or knocked down that needs to go the homeowners are asked to leave for a while and the crews come in. Some people might think that the brothers are actively doing a good deal of the work and perhaps supervising everything, but while Drew is listing and working with the city on the housing aspect Jonathan is more about the design and making sure everything looks right. On the show it does look like he gets in there and gets his hands dirty, and he does on occasion, but a lot of times he’ll have a full crew on standby and ready to go when they need them, and he’ll be more involved in making sure all the pieces go together the way they should.

If anything has changed about the show it’s that people have done their research and found out just what goes on behind the scenes, so there’s a lot more common knowledge about the program than ever before. The show is rather entertaining, but a lot of it is played up just like any other show.

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