The History of the Charles in Charge Theme Song

If you remember the old sitcom called Charles in Charge, you’re certainly not alone. In fact, this became one of the more popular TV series during the time that it originally aired. It was good enough the last five seasons for a total of 126 episodes, more than enough to allow it to go into syndication. Once it hit syndication after its original run, it enjoyed a resurgence in popularity and as a direct result, reruns were aired on several different television channels for a number of years after the original airing of the show had already come and gone.

The show starred Scott Baio and featured him in the title role. It was his job to take care of the three children of a family living in a nice home in suburb America. If you watch carefully, you’ll notice that the original family from the first season is not the same family that starred during the remainder of the show. The story is that the original family moved away and sublet the house to another family. Supposedly, both of these families had three children, so it only made sense for Scott Baio’s character to remain at the house and take care of the new family’s kids as well. It might sound weird in real life, but in the Hollywood version of things, it actually worked quite well.

There’s little doubt that the show was remembered as much for the theme song as for the stories themselves. This was a show that was produced back in an era when the way a show came on was just as important as what it was about. Things have changed a lot since then. More modern television shows don’t even really officially come on, they just start telling the story as the credits roll across the bottom of the screen. However, this was a show that aired during a more classic time of television where all aspects of the show were more important, including the way the show started. As such, the theme song is actually as much a part of the show as anything else.

Over the years, people have had a lot of questions about the theme song for Charles in Charge. As is typically the case with theme songs, there’s not a lot of information that’s well-known. However, what is known is that the song was titled, understandably enough, Charles in Charge. The original song was a collaborative effort, composed by Michael Jacobs, David Kurtz and Al Burton. It’s important to note that the song is slightly different for the first season than for seasons two through five. In fact, depending on where you look, you can find the composer for the 1987 and 1988 season listed as David Kurtz. The next two years give credit to Timothy Thompson, then allowing Todd Hayen to take the reins until the show was cancelled. Throughout the show’s five seasons, the theme song was performed by Shandi Sinnamon. It also was changed slightly once the show went into syndication, as it became more modern and truly became a remix of the original theme song.

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