Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

In a significant move, Fremantle has appointed Mark Reynolds as its permanent Global Head of Documentaries. Previously serving in an interim capacity, Reynolds took on the role after Mandy Chang stepped back to focus on Fremantle’s label, Undeniable.

Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

Background and Experience

Before joining Fremantle, Reynolds had a distinguished career at BBC Studios, where he was the Unscripted Portfolio Director. His work there involved shaping the strategy for factual content meant for global distribution. Notably, Reynolds was instrumental in delivering commercial and content strategies for BBC Worldwide. He even spent time consulting before officially coming on board at Fremantle.

A Driving Force for Premium Documentaries

Speaking about the appointment, Andrea Scrosati, Group COO and CEO Continental Europe of Fremantle, said, Mark has been a key member of the Fremantle family since he joined earlier this year, and I am delighted he has taken this role. Scrosati emphasized that with Reynolds’ extensive commercial expertise, he would continue to lead Fremantle’s efforts in producing premium documentary content.

Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

Mandy Chang’s Transition

Mandy Chang, who has held the position of Global Head of Documents for more than two years, stepped back recently to focus solely on her role at Undeniable. This move allowed the talented team at Fremantle to bring in Reynolds full-time. Chang previously orchestrated multiple high-profile projects and her expertise will undeniably benefit Undeniable’s future endeavors.

Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

Diverse Portfolio Under Reynolds’ Leadership

The announcement of Reynolds comes at a time when Fremantle is building upon its vast portfolio. The company owns more than 20 documentary labels, including notable ones like 72 Films—which produced ‘Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story’—and Wildstar Films. When discussing his new position, Reynolds expressed excitement over continuing his work with Fremantle, stating that he looks forward to collaborating with some of the industry’s most innovative storytellers.

Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

One of the upcoming projects under this banner includes a documentary based on Ruth Wilson’s one-woman play, The Second Woman, providing another example of the compelling content overseen by Fremantle.

Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

A Promising Future Ahead

Reflecting on his new role, Reynolds said, Estoy entusiasmado de continuar mi función en Fremantle trabajando con un equipo tan experimentado y talentoso. Espero seguir colaborando con algunos de los mejores y más innovadores storytellers del mundo.

Fremantle Names Mark Reynolds as Permanent Global Head of Documentaries

This aligns perfectly with Fremantle’s mission to push boundaries in documentary filmmaking, targeting diverse and impactful storytelling across global markets.

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