Five Things You Didn’t Know About Brittany Willacy

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Brittany Willacy

There are very few people with the right combination of talent, work ethic, and charisma to make it big in acting or music. Even fewer are able to find success in both industries. When these rare individuals combine their talents, bringing their musical ability to television or film, it is truly special. Such is the case with the incredibly gifted Brittany Willacy.

Willacy has recently emerged as a highly successful actor. She has appeared in many Hallmark films and currently stars in the highly popular Chesapeake Shores. Many fans may not realize that her musical performances on the show are not heavily edited; she is an accomplished musician as well as actor. Fans may be wondering who Willacy is as a person, so here are five of the most interesting facts about the actor.

5. She earned her part on Chesapeake Shores by singing [easyazon_link identifier=”B00136LURC” locale=”US” tag=”tvovermind00a-20″]Johnny Cash[/easyazon_link] 

Obviously, Willacy’s role on Chesapeake Shores is not a typical role, as it requires musical abilities as well as acting skills. For this reason, Willacy had to prepare a musical performance for her audition. When she auditioned for the part, Willacy chose to give a performance of “Satisfied Mind” by Johnny Cash. She played the autoharp and sung the song. Clearly, she made a great impression.

4. She loves doing Hallmark films 

While Chesapeake Shores is one of the most high profile productions that Willacy has worked on, she has done a great deal of work in Hallmark movies. Far from being a stepping-stone, these films are a passion of Willacy’s. She feels that the movies tend to have thoughtful scripts and wonderful morals. She especially loves the positivity that these films bring out, something she feels has never been more important.

3. She hopes to work behind the scenes some day 

Given her success in front of the camera, it may be surprising to learn that Willacy is planning on working behind the scenes in the future. She has stated that she has long had a passion for creating stories and she hopes to bring this passion to television and film. She even has a project in the works at the moment. Fans shouldn’t worry; the project is still in its infancy, so Willacy will be focused on acting for the foreseeable future.

2. She was motivated by a high school teacher

Brittany Willacy is a perfect example of why young people should always be encouraged to pursue arts whenever they show interest. Although she enjoyed participating in high school plays, it was not until a teacher went the extra mile that she became seriously interested in acting. Her ninth grade film teacher went above-and-beyond, helping the class write, act, and film their own film. The experience was life-changing, as Willacy new from that point on that she wanted to become an actor.

1. She was in a rock band

Although Willacy is best known for her work in television shows and movies, she has also had a successful career in music. From 2013 to 2016, she performed in the band “Head of the Herd.” She contributed to the band in several ways, including singing and playing keyboard. Anyone who wondered if her musical abilities on Chesapeake Shores were real or not should rest assured that she is a bona fide rock star.


Final Thoughts

There are few things as impressive as someone who has professional-level talent in two different arts. Brittany Willacy is one such individual, as she has remarkable skills in both acting and music. After years of acting in shows and movies while simultaneously performing in a rock band, Willacy has begun to merge her talents. Fans are treated to this on Chesapeake Shores, as she combines her acting and musical talent to deliver astounding performances.

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