Five Reasons to Suggest Beachfront Bargain Hunt is Fake

Five Reasons to Suggest Beachfront Bargain Hunt is Fake

Five Reasons to Suggest Beachfront Bargain Hunt is Fake

The popular Beachfront Bargain Hunt has recently undergone scrutiny that suggests the show is a fake and the stories shared are made up. Interviews with real people who have appeared as homebuyers shared their experiences and have given us greater insight into the legitimacy of the series and whether or not the reality based show is a real portrayal of actual events. When we compare the information that has been shared, it is obvious that not all of the things that are shown on television are events that happened naturally. Here is why we believe that Beachfront Bargain Hunt is under suspicion.

1. The home search is staged – Bobi Jensen episode

Bobi Jensen is a real person and not just a paid actor. This part of the show is legitimate. Problems begin to surface when we take a closer look at the truth about the homes that are being featured as considerations for purchase. The houses that were featured in this particular episode were not really for sale. This strongly suggests that the show is a fake because they made up a story to make her home search look more interesting. The homes toured in this episode were actually the homes of a few of her friends. Going through this type of trouble may be a dramatization of what some people go through when searching for the perfect home, but the pretense of touring potential homes for purchase is dishonest. While this may not happen in all of the cases, it stands to show you that you cannot always trust the information that the show is providing.

2. The deals are closed before filming begins

One couple shared the fact that they had already chosen their new house and closed the deal before they were accepted for an episode of the show. Couples are asked to pretend that they have not officially made their choice. They go through the motions of looking at houses and sharing their likes and dislikes. Again, more dishonesty as they share the stories which are made up for the sake of the episode.

3. Filming includes several takes to get the content right

The episodes of Beachfront Bargain Hunt are fluid and show the features couples in a reality based situation. They make it appear that the crew is filming the natural progression of house hunting in real time when actually, they are doing several takes. Things aren’t as smooth as they appear. The only reality of the show is that the families are real and they are actually buying homes. It just doesn’t happen the way that it is presented on the show.

4. House Hunters publicist admits to staging

When confronted with the allegations that Beachfront Bargain Hunt is a fake, the publicist stepped up to the plate to give a few reasons why it may seem to be staged. After explaining that a home purchase is an important process and the show finds couples who are well into this process for the sake of time, the admission that it is partially staged came. This poses a serious question to the legitimacy of the entire show. It makes viewers wonder which parts are true and which are not.

5. Couples are asked to reinvent the home tour process for the camera

After the home purchase decision has already been made, the film crew follows the couple in a staged recreation of their house hunting experiences. The goal is to capture a more authentic reaction for the sake of the camera. Wouldn’t you consider this to be acting? While the participants may not be actors before the show, they certainly are asked to pretend while the segment is being created.

Final thoughts

We’ve found five strong reasons that suggest that Beachfront Bargain Hunt is in fact fake. There are those who defend the show by pointing out that the participants are real people and that the homes are really being purchased and to this, we agree. But this is where the truth ends. Can a show that makes the so-called reality couples pretend to look at homes that aren’t even for sale, or return to homes they’ve previously viewed and try to generate their original responses be legitimate? Our conclusion is that Beachfront Bargain Hunt has included a few elements of legitimacy and padded the rest for the sake of ratings. Their misleading representations are not actual reality filming and what viewers are seeing is not the real story behind the purchase.

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