Five Celebrities Who Completely Swear By Tyler Henry

Five Celebrities Who Completely Swear By Tyler Henry

In this day and age the fact that some, if anyone, would still believe in mediums like Tyler Henry is something of an oddity. However there are those that swear by his ‘gift’ and state that he’s the real deal even though there are shows discrediting such mediums and showing just what to look for. For instance those that call themselves mediums are typically going to be highly observant and take in just about everything there is to know about their subject before they sit down with them. Even things they don’t know they will continue to guess and be vague about until they see a reaction from their guest.

People want to believe, but they don’t want to actually see what’s going on.

5. Jamie Pressly

Tyler supposedly connected with the deceased actress Brittany Murphy, whom Pressly had been friends with but somehow ended on a bad note. While stating that she was regretful about how their friendship ended he also stated that she was referencing Jamie, but that she had messages for many other people. It was sort of a passerby feeling that was there and gone, and easily deduced by reading the gossip columns.

4. Bella Thorne

At a party Tyler apparently ‘felt’ a pull that guided him to actress Bella Thorne, during which time he told her that he was getting a very fatherly vibe that had pulled him over towards her. He then proceeded to describe that the feeling went on to describe someone that had passed in a vehicular accident. Bella then told him her father had passed in a motorcyle accident, after which Tyler relayed her father was very proud of her. Do people realize their bios and whatever happens around them is available online?

3. NeNe Leaks

After being unable to get any readings he was handed a bell that belonged to Leaks’ mother who was quite ill. Tyler immediately began to feel ill and started sweating profusely, worrying Leaks, but once he started getting information from Leaks about her mother he started to ‘feel better’. Does anyone every look up the kind of information on mediums that might help them recognize just what they’re doing?

2. John Salley

This is an easy case since Salley wanted to be ‘connected’ to someone in his life that had passed. It doesn’t take much research to know that his one was kind of a gimmee for Tyler since Moses Malone was someone that John Salley was close to, as was Heavy D. Is anyone else’s head starting to hurt from the lack of insight that’s being gleaned here?

1. RuPaul

Tyler got to do a reading for RuPaul and was absolutely starstruck. Except that from all reports he doesn’t know much at all about pop culture, which means that he might know who people are, but wouldn’t know much else. It kind of begs the question as to what he knows versus what he wants to reveal.

At this point it’s growing a bit frustrating to see what celebrities want to believe in versus what they will gladly ignore.

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