‘Fera: The Sundered Tribes’ Trailer Rolls Out Monster-Hunting Survival Action Adventure

Fera: The Sundered Tribes trailer has just tipped off another indie game in the works that might stand a chance in the competitive market. The game’s development will be in the hands of Massive Damage Studio, a prominent video game developer based in Toronto. Their foray into the indie gaming scene reached new heights with the release of their standout title, Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander, in 2016. The game is set in a retro-futuristic universe, pulled in praise for its blend of strategic base management, space exploration, and tactical combat. Riding the success of Halcyon 6, the studio released Halcyon 6: Lightspeed Edition in 2017, a next-level version of the original game with additional content and improvements across multiple platforms.

But before Halcyon 6, Massive Damage had already made a mark with titles like Please Stay Calm in 2012, a location-based mobile MMORPG set in a zombie apocalypse, and Star Pirates Infinity in 2013, a browser-based space MMORPG. The same studio was behind the Star Renegades released in 2020. It is a tactical roguelike RPG set in a procedurally generated universe where players lead a squad of rebels fighting against an oppressive empire. As they forge ahead with new projects, fans eagerly await the studio’s next venture, which is none other than Fera: The Sundered Tribes.

The Concept Teased in the Fera: The Sundered Tribes Trailer Has the Potential to Carve Out a Name for Itself

One glance is all it takes to see a game’s potential, so just what intrigued gamers in the trailer of Fera: The Sundered Tribes. You might stumble upon games that blur genre lines, but village-expansion features teamed up with monster-hunting action RPGs aren’t as typical as they are in other, more traditional game styles. However, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist at all. Some games have adequately integrated these elements to create unrivaled gameplay experiences, though they may not be as widespread or mainstream as other genres.

But Fera: The Sundered Tribes is labeled as an “enthralling mixture” of those features and is slated to validate expectations. Fera: The Sundered Tribes is set in a world where magic has ravaged the land and “invasive behemoths” threaten to wipe out humanity. The historic tribe sees their rebirth legend come to life after generations, and you’re a ray of hope for the few humans left standing. As the sole slayer of those behemoths that tormented your land, your leadership qualities have shone through, and the tribe has rallied behind you as their leader.

Making the most of a mystical tetherhook and agile glider wings, you’ll unite your tribe to confront colossal beasts laying waste to your homeland. With swift swinging and aerial finesse, startle foes with daring maneuvers, clinging to their massive forms to strike critical blows and tear down these titans. For generations, your people and other tribes have lived in hiding, running from those behemoths, and have fought tirelessly for their lives. Every action contributes to a legacy that protects a future in which your descendants thrive in a world liberated from the fatal blunders of history. In basic terms, the future is yours to create. 

Fera: The Sundered Tribes Is on Its Way, Even for the Next-Gen Consoles

Fera: The Sundered Tribes screenshot

The moment the trailer hit screens, a wave of opinions flooded in, with some lauding its strengths and others meticulously analyzing its shortcomings. Many have commended the game for its inventive concept; the visuals are already performing phenomenally well, and the traversal mechanics and even the fleeting gameplay moments are already thrilling. Almost all compliments sound the same, as do suggestions for game improvement. Some movements seemed awkward and felt out of place for an RPG.

It will require improvement in terms of stepping, shifting, or even sprinting, while maintaining an overall sensation of weightlessness. Even with its other strong points, the game’s appeal may dwindle if this aspect is not improved. However, as it was solely an announcement trailer, there’s still much more to be revealed. There are official release dates floating around, but the developers themselves haven’t confirmed any. But it’s been verified by developers that Fera: The Sundered Tribes will roll out its early access on PC later this year.

Although they’ve confirmed porting to Xbox Series X|S and PS5, they’ve made it clear that the initial launch will be exclusive to Steam for early access. Once it reaches version 1.0, they intend to port it to consoles. This approach allows them to gather feedback, iterate on the game, and polish it further before releasing it on consoles. Add the game to your Steam wishlist now to stay updated on its development, receive notifications about release dates, and root for the developers. If you’re also intrigued by the darker side of gaming, check out the dark and foreboding world of the Necrophosis trailer here.

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