Top 100 Scenes from 5 Seasons of LOST TVOvermind

For a while, I’ve been compiling a list of my favorite 100 scenes from all five seasons of Lost, and wanted to finally post them because tomorrow’s episode (”The Variable”) is #100! I was also inspired by my friend Ryan at Zap2It’s Guide to Lost, who is currently publishing his 100 Things I Love About Lost series.
Everyone’s list is bound to be different, and of course there will be some crossover…but below are my favorite scenes of all time; the most indelible, iconic and memorable moments of Lost. I’m almost sure that immediately after I publish this list, I will kick myself for not including other key scenes which have made me laugh, cry or scream at the television over the last five years.
I have included the season and episode of each, for your reference. Enjoy!
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23 Responses to “Top 100 Scenes from 5 Seasons of LOST”
Jopinionated’s Top 100 Scenes from LOST – DocArzt’s LOST Blog says:
April 29, 2009 at 1:05 am
[…] Read it hear! Stay LOST! Follow Us – Whispers From The Forums &bull […]
JOpinionated’s Top 100 Scenes from LOST | Lost Blog says:
April 29, 2009 at 1:44 am
[…] Read it hear! […]
spacebender says:
April 29, 2009 at 1:45 am
“Sun clocks Ben over the head with an oar; households in every country cheer in unison.”
Classic!! Thanks for the outstanding compilation of truly great moments!
RichM says:
April 29, 2009 at 4:36 am
This is not so much a top 100 of great moments but rather a near-cronological list of things that happened on the the show.
JOpinionated says:
April 29, 2009 at 10:55 am
Hey Rich – I’m a fan of chronological order, which is why I chose that format to list my favorite moments. As evidenced by Dezzies comment below, there are so many other important scenes from five seasons; I simply focused on the ones which resonated with me.
Andy W. says:
April 29, 2009 at 6:23 am
It’s amazing how much more interesting this site’s top-100 Lost lists are than those posted on BuddyTV, which are mostly pointless.
DezziesOthaLifeBrotha says:
April 29, 2009 at 8:23 am
Apparently you didn’t think season one had many great moments….
Touche on a well thought out article…
And I know it’s easy to criticize any top 100 list, but how do you not have this exchange? ::
Locke: Why do you find it so hard to beee-lieve?
Jack: Why do you find it so easy?
Locke: It’s never been EASY!”
That one stuck really with me…. While I’m on a roll…. how about…..
Finding out Locke was paralyzed in Walkabout. Sawyer shoots the Polar Bear(!) What in tarnation is a Polar Bear doing there? Picking up the French Woman’s distress call, Shannon translating… Charlie “Where are we?” That clank Boone and Locke hear when the flashlight hits the ground. Claire’s foreboding visit to Richard Malkin. Charlie hanging from a tree. the Hurley Bird! Hurley and Rousseau realizing they’re not so different after all. Hurley’s brushes with death and Sam Toomey’s widow’s ominous stories surrounding her husbands demise. Seeing the Black Rock for the first time. Doc ARZT Blowing himself to smithereens!! the Bearded Man takes ‘the boy’… WAAAAAALT! There’s a man living UNDER the island inside the hatch! And he’s pressing a button to save the world! Sayid crawling thru the bowels of the Swan, the creepy pulsing sound, the electromagnet pulling his necklace towards the concrete wall and him telling Jack the last time he saw concrete poured over everything in that way was Chernobyl. Yeah! Jin speaking english to Hurley in the pantry in his dream. The first moment we see the tail section crash into the ocean. Sayid and Hurley picking up Glenn Miller’s “Moonlight Serenade” on the radio… Sayid… “it could be coming from anywhere” Hurley “or any time…” Sayid going over the circumstances of Henry Gale’s shallow grave, outing Benjamin Linus. The blast door map! (How HUGE has that moment been for this show?) Finding the Supply Drop. Michael’s ‘3 minute’ talk with Walt under the supervision of Bea Klugh, Walt telling him “they’re not who they say they are–they’re pretending. Was that true in the 70’s as well? Klugh asking Michael “Has Walt ever appeared somewhere he wasn’t supposed to be?” Sawyer admitting to Jack that “he’s about the closest thing to a friend [he’s] got on this island. Desmond winding up drunk on McCutcheon in the boat. Sayid, Jin & Sun seeing the foot of the now infamous statue. Desmond telling Locke he might’ve crashed his plane. Desmond waking up naked in the Jungle. So random. And later Desmond, “You don’t wanna know what happened when I turned that key!” In fact, the entire episode of “Flashes Before Your Eyes” should be on this list…. Eko’s Dream. The meteor hitting Hurley’s chicken shack. Locke exits the Flame KABOOM. Ben tells Richard to go get ‘the Man from Tallahassee’. Locke exits the sub KABOOM. Nikki and Paulo buried alive. Jack puts a gun to Locke’s head and pulls the trigger. Locke stuffs a grenade into Miles’s mouth and properly introduces himself. Like “Flashes” before it Desmond’s “the Constant” is an episode’s worth of Great Moments. Ben enters the secret door in his closet inscribed with hieroglypics to summon the Monster. GREAT Lost moment… Ben wakes up freezing and spasming in the Sahara desert and pukes, then beats the snot outta two Touareg’s. Hurley sharing his Apollo bar with Ben. Ben asking Richard after Keamy is subdued, “What was the arrangement?” knowing there was one. Montand getting sucked into the Temple. The Temple!! Robert holding Rousseau at gunpoint, his gun disarmed unbeknownst to him, but knownst to the rest of us. The Lamp-Post (complete with Foucault Pendulum)! Ben, after Jack asks “what’s gonna happen to all the other people?” on Ajira 316: “Who cares?” Hurley and Miles watching the hatch being embossed with the numbers.
or whatta about this line?
Locke’s “You want your damn 30 dollars back? I want my kidney back!!”
…okay breathe…
Again, kudos on the post…
JOpinionated says:
April 29, 2009 at 10:59 am
Wow, thank you for the additional memories and scene selections! A few of your choices almost made my list. It was challenging to drill down to 100. You’ve probably watched the episodes multiple times as well.
Chris says:
April 29, 2009 at 10:41 am
The opening scene to the second part of Theres No Place Like Home, when the Oceanic 6 land on the plane to meet their families, classic.
The raft being launched with everyone waving goodbye.
Jeremiah says:
April 29, 2009 at 12:10 pm
Thanks for the memories…
I play this game with my son all the time.
My top 10:
1. Ben turning the donkey wheel.
2. Locke losing his cool in his battered VW bug after he can’t get in to see his dad.
3. Charlie throwing the heroin on the fire in “The Moth.”
4. Sun visiting Jin’s dad.
5. Hurley throwing the hot pocket.
6. Charlie’s death.
7. Locke’s death at Ben’s hands.
8. Sawyer killing Cooper.
9. Desmond’s Christmas call to Penny.
10. Ben asking for milk.
Honorable mention: Hurley sharing a candy bar with Ben.
So many moments. Such an incredible show.
b says:
April 29, 2009 at 12:18 pm
Any LOST Top 100 Scenes List that doesn’t include Michael’s confession in the Live Together, Die Alone Part 1 is basically pointless.
Jack: I know what you’re doing Michael! Now tell them the truth! TELL THEM!
Michael: It was the only way…
Matthew Perry says:
April 29, 2009 at 12:59 pm
This list is awful. Absolutely, breathtakingly awful.
If I made this list, half of the scenes would be from Deus Ex Machina/Do No Harm. Boone’s death was a story arc that has never been topped in the show, and it seems like it never will be.
Honestly, you include scenes as pointless as Kate and Cassidy talking, but leave out what is easily the most powerful moment in the show’s history, and one of the greatest in television history as well: after Boone’s fall from the cliff in the plane, Locke kneels on top of the hatch, screaming and crying that he’s done everything he wanted, so how could it do this to him?; all of a sudden, a light from inside the hatch turns on, all of this occurring while one of Giacchino’s greatest pieces plays.
professorstotch says:
April 29, 2009 at 1:21 pm
I think we’ll all have disagreements with lists like this. Scenes impact different people in different ways. I think it was a good list of scenes, dispite the fact that I would disagree with a lot of the choices, and a lot of those that were left out. But it’s not like this is saying “Here are the 100% best scenes ever, and there’s nothing anyone can ever do about it.” People are entitled to their own opinions, and I believe that’s one of the points of the article.
Good article, J. Now I just want to go back and have a season 1-5 marathon
JOpinionated says:
April 29, 2009 at 1:32 pm
Oh Matthew, to each their own. That particular scene clearly affected you more than me. As I have stated, this is a list of my favorite scenes…but not necessarily the popular choices or ones that other Lost fans would consider in their top lists.
I appreciate that you took the time to read the list, even if it resulted in less than constructive criticism. You mentioned ‘if I made this list’; I would like to suggest that you take this negative energy and create a Lost site of your own to share your opinion and analysis, opening yourself up to feedback in return.
Have a great day, and enjoy the episode tonight!
Matthew Perry says:
April 29, 2009 at 7:37 pm
I apologize for how negative I was with that last post, and I understand that the scene I described may not have had the same impact on you as it did on me.
However, the fact that it’s missing from a list of 100 scenes that contains “Young detective Eddie tells Locke that he was chosen to be watched and used because he is ‘amenable for coercion’” and “Kate and Cassidy talk” is undeniably insane.
Jon Lachonis says:
April 29, 2009 at 7:40 pm
Oh you’re just mad we didn’t do a 100 best moments of Studio 60 on the sunset strip.
Madge says:
April 29, 2009 at 1:53 pm
My only additions would be Desmond showering and doing pushups in season 2 and saving Clair in season 3. Those were great scenes!
drfitz says:
April 29, 2009 at 2:31 pm
I can’t believe they didn’t mention when Sawyer revealed to Jack that he met his dad in Syndey…. That was a great moment.
Tim says:
April 29, 2009 at 4:04 pm
I’m actually a little surprised that my favorite moment of any seson to date was not mentioned -> when hurley got the VW started rolling downhill with Charlie and the 8 track comes on – ah, the sheer joy expreassed by Hurley, Charlie, Sawyer, and Jin. The best feel good moment of Lost. But I guess I’m just a sucker for these feel good moments like when Boone fixes Shannon’s sunglasses, Sayid tosses Sawyer an orange in S1. I miss these acts of kindness, true friendship scenes that they seemed to have had a lot more of in S1 and S2 – usually in the last scene before springing the cliffhanger on us.
Tim says:
April 29, 2009 at 4:27 pm
Oh, but enjoyed the list JO. Thanks for taking me down memory lane!
AstroJones says:
April 30, 2009 at 2:48 pm
Yeah, that was a GREAT scene.
Tagged bird says:
April 29, 2009 at 6:14 pm
Thanks Jo – well done and as above, thanks for the memories. Yeh! you included scenes from “Every Man for Himself” – one of the best written and produced episode.
I had to speak out though for my big scene in Lost which no-one seems to remember or include in any lists:
Catch 22 – the guys hearing the helicopter and then finding Naomi – my heart was beating SO loudly etc. It was a big moment I thought for Lost. I think we’ve forgotten that at that stage we’d had to waited SO long for confirmation that the outside world existed and that anyone else could actually reach the island, that Penny was looking for Desmond and still cared for him, that the 815ers may finally be able to take matters into their own hands etc etc.
Oh yes and I’ll add a vote for Hurley in the combi – wonderful, wonderful scene. LONG LIVE HURLEY!
lost and back again says:
April 30, 2009 at 8:10 am
Make Your Own Kind of Music.
Dharma van!
Golf tourney.
Not Penny’s boat.
Blast door map.
Blast door map.
Blast door map.
Got milk?
Don’t tell me what I can’t do.
You changed the rules.
I’m from the future.
You told her?
Oh by the way, Libby says hi.
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