Our Favorite Karaoke Scenes in Movies

Our Favorite Karaoke Scenes in Movies

Our Favorite Karaoke Scenes in Movies

Karaoke is so much fun, when you’re drunk or just have no shame. Seriously, unless you have one of the most awesome voices that can sing through most any song then you might be able to give it a shot. Until then karaoke is best left to those that are willing to outright embarrass themselves and not care because they’re having a good time. In movies it’s commonly used as a calm or peaceful moment, or a hilarious scene to just butcher a favorite song.

Seriously, karaoke might be a hobby for some, but it’s the bane of existence for others.

5. Rush Hour 2

So a few tips on karaoke. One, a lot of people simply can’t sing, no matter how great they think they are. Two, when you’re in a gangster bar, don’t feel the need to get up and defend Michael Jackson’s musical legacy. And three, once you’ve defied common sense and are up shaking your groove thing don’t, and I mean DO NOT, entice the women sitting next to the stone-faced guys to dance.

4. Lost in Translation

Sometimes you don’t get everything you want in life. You might get a secure relationship but without satisfaction. You might get solidarity but without joy. Murray and Johansson manage to find one little pocket of joy with one another that is severely lacking in their lives. They make it last through the act of simply getting together and being with one another in a very touching and innocent way.

3. The Cable Guy

Don’t trust the cable guy. If he’s there to work on your cable box great, but if he sticks around and can’t take a hint, well, call the cops. Jim Carrey strikes the classic pose a stalker in this film as he goes out of his way to invade Matthew Broderick’s life in the most eerily genius ways possible. And just when you think the guy’s gone? Oh wait, no, he never goes away, at least not until the end.

2. The Pest

There’s a reason this guy is nicknamed the pest. He can’t sing, at least not in this film, and he just CAN’T SHUT UP. It’s not that he can’t physically, it’s that his brain and his mouth have an open connection with no filter and no OFF switch. If he’s not sleeping he’s talking, and if he’s not talking, well, that just doesn’t happen.

1. 40-Year Old Virgin

This is actually a deleted scene that didn’t make the final cut, but given that Andy is somehow braver than most men when they’re blind stinking drunk you can easily imagine how it goes. Not only is he terrible at karaoke, but he picks the most godawful song to ever bring to light in a karaoke bar. It’s like if karaoke was invented in the 18th century and expected to be entertaining. It’s almost too painful to watch really, but still funny.

Let’s face it, karaoke is good for a laugh and when you’re drunk it’s even funnier. You’ve got to be brave or just wanting to look the fool if you go up and expect to be awesome. If you’re drunk, then of course you’ll be awesome.


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