10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elisha Applebaum

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Elisha Applebaum

Every actor looks forward to getting their big break, and Elisha Applebaum has finally gotten hers. The talented young star may not be well-known yet, but that’s all about to change. She is a cast member in the upcoming Netflix series, Fate: The Winx Saga, and the show serves as a chance for her to share her talent with the world. Since Netflix is known to help people launch their careers, it’s likely that there will be lots of opportunities coming Elisha’s way once the show airs. If you’re not familiar with her yet, now is the perfect time to learn a little bit more about her. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Elisha Applebaum.

1. She’s From The UK

Since Elisha is still very early on in her career, there’s isn’t a lot of information about her floating around on the internet. One thing we do know, however, is that she was born and raised in the UK. As far as we can tell she still lives there and doesn’t have any plans to move.

2. She Loves Helping Others

Even though Elisha is just getting started with building her platform, she already knows she wants to use it to help others. She is passionate about working with the community and giving back to others. As her career continues, it will be interesting to see what causes she decides to get involved with.

3. She Is A Poet

As an actress it goes without saying that Elisha loves to express herself. Acting, however, isn’t the only way she likes to do that. She also likes to write and is a talented poet. She’s already shared one of her poems with her followers on Instagram, and hopefully she’ll share more in the future.

4. She Likes To Take Pictures

Elisha spends a lot of time in front of the camera, but she’s also gotten comfortable behind it. Judging by her Instagram account, it appears that she enjoys taking photos during her adventures. Unfortunately for her fans, however, she doesn’t post pictures very often.

5. She Isn’t Afraid To Speak Her Mind

Building the confidence to stand up for the things you believe in is something that can take some people an entire lifestyle. Elisha is only in her 20s, but it’s something she has already developed. She is passionate about the fight to end racism and she has used her social media presence to show her support.

6. Winx Is Her First TV Role

If you’re not familiar with Elisha’s name and face, that’s because you may not have seen any of her work before. Although she’s been acting for several years, Fate: The Winx Saga is her very first TV role. We have a really good feeling that it certainly won’t be her last. Her growing fan base is already excited to see what kinds of things she will do in the future.

7. She Is Adventurous

Not being afraid to take risks is an important quality for an actor to have, and Elisha has it. She loves to try new things and she isn’t afraid of a good challenge. Outside of acting, her adventurous spirit can be seen in her love of the outdoors and her love for travel.

8. She Is Passionate About The Environment

We’re all aware of the fact that we only get one planet earth, but there are still lots of people who have no interest in taking care of it. Unfortunately, this has led to some serious issues with the environment. Elisha, on the other hand, is passionate about taking care of the earth and protecting the environment and she encourages her supporters to do the same.

9. She Loves To Stay Active

Staying active is a great way for people to exercise their bodies and their minds. Although it’s not always easy to incorporate working out into an already busy schedule, Elisha finds a way to make it work. Whether it be going skiing or going for a hike with friends, Elisha loves to find ways to stay active.

10. She Likes To Stay Low Key

So far, Elisha doesn’t seem like the kind of actress who has any plans to get caught up in the oversharing that usually comes with a career in the entertainment industry. Instead, she prefers to keep the details of her personal life to herself. She doesn’t post very often on social media and she also hasn’t done many interviews. As her career grows, this is something that may change, but for now she’s enjoying the low key life.

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