Another Franchise Already Proved Dune: The Sisterhood Is A Bad Idea

For Dune, the existence of prequels is not a new development in the franchise. There are already prequels to the Dune novel series and introducing this into the movie franchise may be a good thing. The plan for the upcoming Dune TV show is for a prequel which will focus on the origins of the Bene Gesserit sisterhood. They are one of the more powerful groups in the Dune universe and this prequel will be based on two books from the novel series – the original Dune by Frank Herbert and Sisterhood of Dune by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson.

However, there have been worries that the prequel, Dune: The Sisterhood may be a bad idea. The story is supposed to be set 10,000 years before the events in Dune and there has been another prequel TV show that had the same plan of being set years before the story in the source material, but this time the TV show was unsuccessful. There is the worry that the same fate would befall Dune: The Sisterhood. 

Witcher: Blood Origin Might Mean Dune: The Sisterhood Is Doomed

Dune Sisterhood Witcher Blood Origin

Witcher: Blood Origin has many similarities with Dune: The Sisterhood. The former is a fantasy miniseries that is a prequel to the famous The Witcher, it is also based on the book series and tells the story of how the first Witcher came to be. This is mostly the same thing that Dune: The Sisterhood hopes to achieve. The Witcher: Blood Origin failed for many reasons ranging from its story to its ineffective utilization of its cast, and while it had great action scenes, they were not enough to save it. 

It is possible that Dune: The Sisterhood may have the same issues, especially when the overall team is not aligned on the same vision and this could have adverse effects on the show. The first Dune film which was released in 1984 was not a commercial success, but Denis Villeneuve‘s Dune film found success with critics and audiences. However, the fact that the show shares many similarities with Witcher: Blood Origin causes some worry. 

How Dune: The Sisterhood Could Still Succeed

veiled woman holding a needle to a man's neck

Dune: The Sisterhood could still be a successful TV show in spite of the similarities it has with the less successful Witcher: Blood Origin. For one, they have entirely different teams working on them. Secondly, Denis Villeneuve is one of the executive producers for  Dune: The Sisterhood. The success he has had with the 2021 Dune film can be easily replicated, as he knows the story well enough and can tell what would work or wouldn’t work. Shows succeed for many reasons and more than half of the time it is largely due to creative teams behind them, including showrunners and writers who were deeply passionate about the source material and have a clear vision for how to translate it for a new medium. With the right creative team in place, Dune: The Sisterhood would avoid the fate of Witcher: Blood Origin. 

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