10 Things You Didn’t Know about “Dirty Rotten Cleaners”

10 Things You Didn’t Know about “Dirty Rotten Cleaners”

Could you imagine what your house would look like if you hadn’t cleaned it for years on end? Thanks to AE’s new series Dirty Rotten Cleaners, you won’t have to use your imagination. Starring married couple Mike and Missy Dalton, Dirty Rotten Cleaners follows the two as they clean out some of the filthiest houses and apartments you’ve ever seen. In addition to being full of dirt and grime, some of the places featured on the show are also full of hazardous materials. These places have gotten to the point that they are no longer safe for someone to live in, but when Mike and Missy are done, you’d never be able to tell. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Dirty Rotten Cleaners.

1. Mike And Missy Own A Cleaning Company

If you were wondering what qualifies Mike and Missy to star in a reality show about cleaning, the answer is very simple: they have years of experience. They are the proud owners of Amanda’s Cleaning Services, a cleaning company that has been in business since 1999.

2. The Show Is Filmed Throughout Florida

Not only is Mike and Missy’s company based in Florida, but the show is also filmed there. According to The Tampa Bay Times, the series was filmed in various locations throughout the state, including Orlando, Kissimmee, Lake Mary, Haines City, Orange City, Clearwater, Jacksonville, and Sebring.

3. The Show Is All About Team Work

This isn’t the kind of show where you’ll see Mike and Missy barking orders and bossing other people around. Instead, they’re right there on the ground getting the work done with their crew. Mike told WFLA, “A lot of what you’re going to see in this series is how we interact as a team to get a job done for a client, as opposed to putting the client front and center of the camera and berating them for an hour.”

4. Mike Used To Be A Professional Wrestler

Even though Mike has been in the cleaning business for more than 20 years, he worked a series of odd jobs before that. Mike was a college football player who went on to become a personal trainer and then a professional wrestler who competed under the name Python. However, he says that even being body-slammed isn’t as tough as some of the cleaning tasks he does.

5. Some Viewers Have Already Expressed Disappointment

Any time a network launches a new show, they obviously hope that it will be successful. Unfortunately, however, several viewers already seem to dislike Dirty Rotten Cleaners. In a Reddit thread about the show, a user named my606ins said, “I thought it was awful. The cleaners tried too hard to be edgy and gross. I won’t be watching it again.” Another user, stealthdawg, added, “Saw an episode last night. Kind of hilarious how poorly acted it is, and how mediocre the end results are. Feels like budget reality TV.”

6. Some Of What Mike And Missy Find Might Make You Gag

We have already established that some of the places Mike and Missy clean can be quite gross, but now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty of exactly how gross. Mike and Mindy are going to be walking into some very filthy places and that can include everything from old food to floors covered in dog poop. If you have a weak stomach, you may want to pass on this show.

7. The Show Doesn’t Have Its Own Social Media Profiles

Following shows on social media has become a great way for viewers to stay up-to-date and get access to clips, interviews, and other content. At present, there are no verified social media accounts associated with the show. However, if the series becomes a huge success, there’s always the potential that this could change.

8. Discarded Appliances  Are Given A Second Chance

Whenever Mike and Mindy enter a property, their goal is always to preserve as much of it as possible. However, if the owners decide they want to get rid of appliances, Mike and Mindy will take the appliance, restore it, and donate it to a nonprofit organization called Teen Challenge.

9. There’s A Variety Of Properties

One of the coolest things about Dirty Rotten Cleaners is that viewers will get to see all kinds of different properties, from beachfront homes to small condos. As far as we know, however, none of these properties have been lived in; many of them were purchased with the intention of being renovated.

10. There’s No Word On A Second Season

Dirty Rotten Cleaners is still very early in its first season, so there hasn’t been an announcement about renewal yet. Whether or not the show is brought back for a second season will likely depend entirely on its ratings. Hopefully, Dirty Rotten Cleaners is able to draw more viewers in as the season progresses.

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