Creator of Calvin and Hobbes Gives Great Life Advice in Comic Format

Creator of Calvin and Hobbes Gives Great Life Advice in Comic Format

You may or may not be familiar with the website Zen Pencils.   If not, here’s what the site specializes in: Cartoonist Gavin Aung Than adapts inspirational quotes from famous figures into comic stories.   But today I came across something pretty special.   Below you’ll find a comic from Bill Watterson, the artist and creator of one of the greatest comic strips of all time, Calvin and Hobbes.  It’s pretty interesting to see Calvin and Hobbes like art used in this way but I think it’s executed beautifully.

Here’s a small excerpt from his post:

Bill Watterson is the artist and creator of (in my humble opinion) the greatest comic strip of all time, Calvin and Hobbes. I was a bit too young to appreciate it while it was originally published from 1985-1995, but I started devouring the book collections soon after. I think my brother had a few of the treasury collections and I must have read those dozens of times. I was hooked, and I remember copying Watterson’s drawings relentlessly as a kid (Calvin’s hair was always the hardest to get right).

Check out the comic below:

Creator of Calvin and Hobbes Gives Great Life Advice in Comic Format

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