Check Out Lady Gaga’s Tiffany Super Bowl Commercial Teaser

Check Out Lady Gaga’s Tiffany Super Bowl Commercial Teaser

One of the biggest surprises about this year’s Super Bowl is that Lady Gaga has never performed during the halftime show before.  You’d think after all these years, especially when she was at her peak in the mid 2000s she’d have made an appearance.  Alas, Lady Gaga will be making her debut tonight and the world is pretty excited about it.  With regard to who might be joining her on the stage, that’s up in the air.  I’m thinking there’s no doubt that Tony Bennett gets up there with her.  In terms of who else, it’ll be exciting.

As much hype as Lady Gaga is getting attention for her potential performance, it’s not just the halftime show she’ll be featured in.  Lady Gaga will also appear in another highly viewed moment of the Super Bowl.  Tiffnay & Co tapped the singer to be in their commercial for HardWear.   Recently a promotional teaser for the commercial has been released.

It features Lady Gaga in an interview type format and the coloring of the film is black and white.  It’s tough to tell what the commercial is about but from the 15 second clip it definitely seems as though it’s about empowering people in some way.  I think it’s impossible to count how many images Lady Gaga has portrayed since she first became a star.  Her latest image is 100% class.  Let’s see how long she sticks with it.

Here’s the Tiffany Super Bowl spot below:


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