Castle’s 100th Episode: A Delightful Dive into ‘The Lives of Others’

1633What a delightful treat that was, right?

ABC’s Castle reached a significant milestone with its 100th episode, titled “The Lives of Others,” which aired last night. As many of you know, I had the opportunity to preview this episode last Friday, and I’m thrilled to finally discuss it with you all. I genuinely hope it was worth the wait and met your expectations.

Since Friday, I’ve watched the episode in its entirety once more and reviewed individual scenes a couple of times. After my initial excitement subsided, I caught a few things that I didn’t notice the first time I watched it. Although some aspects bothered me a little, the episode was so enjoyable and had such a celebratory vibe that I’m willing to let them slide. Suspension of disbelief and all that.

Addressing the (Somewhat) Bad Stuff

Let’s get the not-so-great stuff out of the way first. What was up with Martha calling Kate “Katherine”? I’ve been pondering this for the past few days, and I can’t come up with any plausible theories. It felt so out of place that I cringed the first time I heard her say it. Going from calling her “Kate, darling” to Katherine is more than a little strange, so I’m turning this one over to you guys. What’s your take on it?

Secondly, as much as I adored the whole April Fool’s joke slash birthday present, didn’t it all seem a bit too perfect? It felt like everything fell into place just right, and the timing was absolutely impeccable. Maybe it’s just me being picky, but it didn’t bother me the first time around, and I only noticed it the second time. Perhaps it’s because I already knew it was all staged, as during my first viewing, I was so caught up in the story that I didn’t see it coming.


‘The Lives of Others’: A Fantastic Ride

Apart from those minor issues, I thought “The Lives of Others” was absolutely amazing. I’m not sure it earns the title of my favorite episode ever, but it’s undoubtedly one of the very best. It had everything that initially drew me to this show: outrageous humor, suspense, and a fantastic portrayal of Castle and Beckett’s relationship. One of my biggest complaints about this season was the lack of balance between showcasing their relationship and working a case every week. However, it seems they found their groove in the past couple of episodes, especially in the 100th one.

I loved that we finally got to see how they act as a couple outside of the precinct and particularly how affectionate Kate is towards Castle. I also enjoyed seeing just how well she knows him. It seemed that it was always the other way around, with Castle being the one who knew all the layers of the Beckett onion. But it appears to be a mutual thing, and Kate has learned a lot about him over the past few years, even more so during their time together. If you think about it, they’ve been together for almost a year now, and it’s just a natural progression of their relationship.

Another thing that bothered me slightly was the missed opportunity for an “I love you” from Kate in the final scene. It seemed like the perfect moment, with Castle utterly amazed by what she had done for him. But it appears they’re still saving that one. I have a feeling it will either come out during episode 21 or in the finale. Either way, it better make an appearance sometime this season because I’ll be really peeved if they make us wait an entire summer for it. Although, we did make some progress when Kate sneakily said, “It’s one of the things that I love about you.” So, at least it’s something.

I’m sure I’m forgetting to comment on many things, but please feel free to share your thoughts below or on Twitter (@lucianamangas). In conclusion, “The Lives of Others” definitely lived up to my expectations and beyond. It was everything I could hope for in such a significant milestone as the 100th episode, and I genuinely hope we can make it to a hundred more.


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