10 Things You Didn’t Know About Die Hard’s Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis first stepped into the limelight after his role as David Addison in the 1898 movie Moonlighting. Needless to say, he steadily rose to star status and instantly became a household name. Over the years, he’s racked up over 70 credits and received numerous global recognitions.

It’s a no-brainer that Willis made the list of the greatest American movie stars for his effortless performances in over four decades. He’s redefined the film landscape through his appearances in the famed Die Hard series, Armageddon, The Sixth Sense, and Nobody’s Fool. Unfortunately, it’s saddening that Willis is stepping away from all the acting fun for health reasons. As he retires, here’s a list of things you probably didn’t know about Bruce Willis.

1. One Scene In Die Hard Nearly Cost Him His Hearing

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Willis is not known for backing out on intense or extreme stunts. When playing John McClane in Die Hard, a shooting scene left him with a compromised hearing of up to two-thirds in his left ear. He often jokes that the incident is the reason he’s fond of asking “Whaaa?” midway through conversations.

2. He Starred In A Cartoon Series

Willis played the character Bruno in Bruno the Kid, a 1996 animated show. Interestingly, he didn’t just lend his voice in this production – Bruno was also his nickname. Needless to say, the star is a man of many talents.

3. He’s Had To Accept Roles To Pay For His Mistakes

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As far as contract complexity goes, this one is quite puzzling. While working for Disney, Willis disrupted the progress of ongoing filming after an altercation with the director and part of the crew. The incident created a massive problem that left the movie Broadway Brawler incomplete and Bruce Willis indebted to Disney for absorbing the incurred losses. In exchange, Willis promised to make amends by starring in The Sixth Sense and Armageddon.

4. Bruce Willis Is A German-born

Willis has undoubtedly made a name for himself in American showbiz. His achievements metaphorically prove that America is a land of opportunities, as he’s German by birth. The actor’s American father, David Willis, met his German mother, Marlene Willis while serving in Germany. Bruce Willis was later born in Idar-Obersterin and lived there for two years before his parents relocated to the United States in 1957.

5. He Has A Music Album

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Although people solely know Willis as an actor, he had a successful music career too. In 1987, the star released his debut album, The Return of Bruno, featuring ten songs in diverse genres ranging from soul to blues. While some were solo tracks, he collaborated with popular musicians of the time. One of the duets, Respect Yourself, became a hit song in the U.S. and UK.

6. He Was Once A New York Bartender

Things were not that rosy when Bruce Willis first moved from New Jersey to New York. He had to do odd jobs, including bartending while waiting for his acting career to kick off. Willis’ hard-edged demeanor made him stand out in the barkeeping gig. Needless to say, the job kept things afloat till the major roles started flowing in.

7. Bruce Willis Has Three Siblings

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Though Willis isn’t the only actor in his family, he is the most famous of the bunch. His brother David Willis is also in showbiz and has produced four films, including A Good Day to Die Hard in 2013 and Hostage in 2005. Robert Willis also tried his hand at acting and appeared in the 1993 movie Loaded Weapon 1 before his demise in 2001. There’s not much information out there about his sister Flo Willis.

8. He’s The First Celebrity With His Voice And Likeness In A Video Game

Sure, lots of superstars, like Keanu Reeves, have recently dominated the video game industry, but Willis is a pioneer in the niche. In 1966, Neversoft contracted him to use his image and voice in its 3D video game, Apocalypse. Though the production didn’t receive the anticipated recognition, Willis’ marked his contribution as a first in this niche.

9. Bruce Willis Co-Founded Planet Hollywood

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Willis continually proves that he’s not just a one-trick pony. Besides his success in the movie industry, it’s clear that he has a knack for business. The star transformed the Planet Hollywood restaurant into a tourist attraction in America.

10. He Could’ve Starred In Ocean’s Eleven

It’s no secret that Bruce Willis is a leading man in the industry. In fact, he was once sought out to be in the hit movie Oceans Eleven. However, the role went to George Clooney since Willis’ scheduling wouldn’t let him take the part.

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