The Bold and the Beautiful fans know things never work out for people as they seem to think they will. Thomas is back and is he is paying attention to Sally, and Liam wants to do the right thing and tell them that Caroline is not dying. But will he? He is a good person who does have it in him to make good decisions, but he also has feelings for Sally developing and he’s not sure what to do with those. With that in mind, seeing her with Thomas after his absence recently might trigger something that just wants him to send Thomas back to New York so he can have Sally all to himself yet again.
Would he really do that? Knowing how upset he is with is father, cousin, and his wife for lying about something of this magnitude, would he really take it upon himself to involve himself in the lie? We guess he already is since he does know the truth and hasn’t said anything.
He needs to stop and ask himself what might happen if Bill tells them that he lied abou the entire thing and that Liam knew the entire time without saying a world. Neither Thomas nor Sally would ever think of him the same way again, and does that seem fair to him? He’s not that kind of person, and he needs to do the work to make this go away. He’s not making any friends by not telling them the truth.
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