The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

Mick Foley is a man of many names, including Mankind, Dude Love, and of course Cactus Jack. With a career that spanned almost three decades, despite “retiring” after 15 years, Mrs Foley’s Baby Boy has competed all over the world and on some of the biggest stages, including the WWE where he became a multi-time world champion. Here are the top 10 best Mick Foley matches of all time.

10. WWF Raw Is War (September 22nd 1997)

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

As well as being one of the best episodes of Monday Night Raw from top to bottom, the September 22nd 1997 edition is also special because it marked the debut of Foley’s Cactus Jack persona, a character that Vince McMahon refused to put on WWE TV, instead creating the Mankind character when Foley debuted in 1996. Cactus Jack was introduced to the WWE audience through a promo that also featured Mick Foley’s other two characters, Mankind and Dude Love. Despite never being seen on WWE TV, Cactus Jack got a great response from the crowd upon his revelation, which was then followed by one of the best hardcore style matches in WWE. If you’ve never seen this match before, go and change that as soon as possible.

9. Over The Edge: In Your House 1998

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

Following his WWF Championship win at WrestleMania 14, Stone Cold Steve Austin began a feud with Mick Foley’s third persona Dude Love, after being the Dude was manipulated by Mr McMahon to do his bidding. This resulted in two back to back PPV main events, with the second at Over The Edge being the highlight of the two. The match saw Mr McMahon serve as the special guest referee, to try and guarantee that Austin wouldn’t walk away the winner. But, The Undertaker made an appearance to ensure the match was fair, which resulted in a lot of interference and great spots involving the Stooges. The two icons brawled across the arena, with some great spots taking place on the cars that were positioned near the entrance. This match is certainly an unexpected gem.

8. Cactus Jack vs Sabu – Holiday Hell 1995

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

Mick Foley wouldn’t be the Hardcore Legend without a stint in Extreme Championship Wrestling, which saw Mick Foley at home with the hardcore style that the promotion was famous for. At Holiday Hell 1995, Cactus Jack faced another Hardcore Legend, Sabu. The match was as hard-hitting and hardcore as would be expected from these two and it didn’t disappoint. While many ECW matches were just all weapons and no psychology, this match blended the two perfectly to tell a story while also being full of hardcore spots and weapons.

7. Randy Orton (c) vs Cactus Jack – Backlash 2004

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

Mick Foley made his return to WWE after a four-year retirement, feeling like he never ended his career on a high note. After a disappointing WrestleMania 20 match, Foley wanted to once again prove himself by taking on Randy Orton at Backlash 2004. It was evident early on that Orton would be a star, but it is certain that Mick Foley helped him establish himself as one. The match defied all expectations, with it being very hard-hitting and some of Foley’s best work. The highlight of the match was a thumbtack spot that saw Orton take a bump directly into them, which was very surprising to see.

6. Cactus Jack vs Big Van Vader – Halloween Havoc 1993

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

The feud between Cactus Jack and Vader in WCW became a legendary one, notably due to Mick Foley losing an ear during a match in 1994. Before that, the two-faced off at Halloween Havoc in a very physical match. Vader was one of the best big men of all time, with a very physical style, which matched Foley’s very well. The end result was magic.

5. Mick Foley vs Edge – WrestleMania 22

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

Mick Foley always dreamt of having a WrestleMania moment, but never quite managed to achieve it. With one more opportunity to make it happen, he enlisted the help of Edge, and it paid off. The hardcore match not only gave Foley his WrestleMania moment when Edge speared him through a flaming table, but it also helped cement Edge as a main event competitor and is a highlight of both men’s careers.

4. Mankind (c) vs The Rock  – Royal Rumble 1999

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

The I Quit Match at Royal Rumble 1999 is one of the most brutal in WWE history. During the match, The Rock handcuffed Foley’s hands behind his back and then proceeded to deliver eleven unprotected chair shots to his head, Foley had agreed to five. This match can be very hard to watch due to the violence that was inflicted, but it is an incredible match that really helped cement The Rock as a top Heel in the company.

3. Triple H (c) vs Cactus Jack  – Royal Rumble 2000

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

The Street Fight at Royal Rumble 2000 wouldn’t be the first time that The Game and Cactus Jack would face off at Madison Square Garden, with Jack’s debut in September 1997 against Triple H also taking place at the Garden. Just over two years on, the two Superstars had gone from mid-card talent to multi-time world champions. Triple H and Cactus Jack put on a five-star classic that is often hailed as one of the best matches in WWE history. The match was very physical, with plenty of chairs, barbed wire 2×4’s, sledgehammers, and more being used. This match is incredible.

2. The Undertaker vs Mankind – King Of The Ring 1998

Mankind vs The Undertaker King Of The Ring 1998

The Undertaker vs Mankind at King Of The Ring 1998 is one of the most famous matches in WWE history. Mick Foley was thrown off the Hell In A Cell within the first couple of minutes of the match. Then he decided he wasn’t done yet, climbed back up, and then was thrown through the Cell in a spot that legitimately almost killed him. The fact Mick Foley survived this match shows how tough he is and why he deserves the Hardcore Legend nickname. Like the Royal Rumble 1999 match, it can be hard to watch but every wrestling fan should watch this match at least once.

1. Shawn Michaels (c) vs Mankind – WWF In Your House 10: Mind Games

The 10 Best Mick Foley Matches Of All Time

Mick Foley himself has stated that this match could be the best match of his career, and we’d be inclined to agree. The two Superstars couldn’t be more different, with HBK being a flamboyant high flyer with great technical ability, and Mankind being a demented brawler with an ability to take inhuman amounts of pain. On paper, this match shouldn’t work, but it delivered in every way. Foley brought out a more physical side of Michaels that we don’t often get to see, along with the two telling an incredible story. I can’t overstate how good this match is, this is WrestleMania main event level of quality.

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