Movies That Are Worth Another Look: Reign of Fire
Dragons in movies, movies about dragons, movies with dragons, or anything that even has ‘dragon’ in the title tends to get at least some notice si
Dragons in movies, movies about dragons, movies with dragons, or anything that even has ‘dragon’ in the title tends to get at least some notice si
Trying to dethrone Pennywise as the scariest clown out there might sound like sacrilege to many Stephen King fans, but when looking at the matter objectively
It’s been told that Michael Sheen is a lot more comfortable on stage than he is anywhere else, and it might be true since he’s admitted as much an
Charlie Hunnam as Logan/Wolverine would be a sensible move since we’ve already seen that he can be gruff from his days on Sons of Anarchy as Jax Teller.
A one-off would be the best idea possible for Home Improvement as trying to get the cast in line for another run at the show doesn’t sound like it would
Sarah Paulson’s career has been growing in leaps and bounds throughout the last several years and it’s only continuing to climb as she’s bee
There’s a reason that people are listening to Joaquin Phoenix at this point and like it or not, a big part of it has to do with the fact that he just wo
Video game movies are making progress, that much is clear, but it would appear that they still have a lot of proving yet to do since some of those that have c
The images that the title Cocaine Hippos can generate in the minds of so many is likely why a lot of people, upon hearing about it, are wondering just when th
You mean it wasn’t because Robb Stark was riddled with arrows? Nina Starner of Looper caps this idea of Richard Madden ‘leaving’ Game of Thr