Electric Guitar Medley of Various Overwatch songs by Sophie Lloyd
It probably sounds strange to state that it’s fun to watch people play guitar, or not, but the truth is that it’s actually kind of cathartic to wa
It probably sounds strange to state that it’s fun to watch people play guitar, or not, but the truth is that it’s actually kind of cathartic to wa
Directors like to have fun occasionally with their cast, but then sometimes they want the best out of them too so they’ll go to extra lengths to get the
Details in a movie are often a big part of what makes them worth watching in the first place, while great acting and a plausible story can make them even bett
A movie that gets finished but never released sounds like a tragedy, but sometimes there are reasons this happens that are both legal and personal in nature,
It doesn’t feel that it should be possible for a TV show to lose any of its main actors and still be able to move on does it? That might have been the c
Quite a few heroes have tragic backstories and to be fair some of them are pretty terrible since they sound like the kind of story that would turn a person in
Some monsters don’t take a lot of thought when it comes to figuring out their origins, but others make a person wonder just what the creator was thinkin
For the sake of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Keanu Reeves was married to Winona Ryder in an actual church by an actual priest thanks to Francis Ford Coppola,
There are many different ways that music can be altered, but there are also times when the changing of said music can take the punch out of it in a big way, o
When you think about it, just about any story could be turned into a roleplaying game with enough work and the ability to convert the core concepts into somet