Guy Ritchie’s “The Gentlemen” Is Going to Become a TV Show
The Gentlemen is a movie that was designed to both intelligent and witty but might have skated past a lot of people despite the great cast it featured. As one
The Gentlemen is a movie that was designed to both intelligent and witty but might have skated past a lot of people despite the great cast it featured. As one
It’s been a while since fans were given a good look at the denizens of Midian, but considering that the hidden city was destroyed in the movie, one has
Animation definitely appears to be the way to go when it comes to creating what is already being called the Seuss-iverse, a cinematic experience where the wor
Anyone thinking that Luke Hemsworth, who had a brief role in Thor: Ragnarok, acting the part of his younger brother in an Asgardian play, might not be able to
Whoever said size doesn’t matter must not have been talking about firepower when it comes to science fiction vessels, since some of these monsters are d
Actors often want to be paid ‘what they’re worth’ and this tends to open up a line of arguments that can go in a variety of directions since
You heard the man, he doesn’t like to lose. A lot of us don’t enjoy losing, but the classic Kobayashi Maru scene in Star Trek was definitely made
Who else would be up for Ninja Vikings vs. Boob Police over this? If you said okay then it’s likely that you’ve seen too many teen movies that peo
Keep in mind that a Hackers 2 is being talked about, not necessarily pushed forward at this time since there are a lot of questions that need to be answered f
Some folks would call this a shady move on the part of SNL, others might call it brilliant, but it did manage to get them the live audience they wanted so one