An Encino Man 2 Could Actually Work: Here’s Why
Well, the biggest reason that Encino Man 2 could work is that the main stars, Brendan Fraser, Pauley Shore, and Sean Astin are all ready and willing to get mo
Well, the biggest reason that Encino Man 2 could work is that the main stars, Brendan Fraser, Pauley Shore, and Sean Astin are all ready and willing to get mo
This one should be easy to guess since almost every time we’ve seen Jackie Chan on the big screen he’s been a cop or someone that’s out to b
While this theory is just that, and more of a rumor really than anything that a lot of fans would like to see come true, the story of it and the possibilities
This isn’t the first time that Uno was given an attempt to make it on TV, but obviously, the chance in 2013 didn’t pan out quite so well since thi
Listening to the Uruk-hai just isn’t the same when they don’t have that gruff, stuffed-mouth sound, is it? Normally when these characters talk the
There are a couple of reasons why a Back to the Future reboot or sequel isn’t going to be made as people might tell you, and their names are Robert Zeme
Anyone that’s played the game The Last of Us 2 knows that this particular scene in the game is pretty brutal, not to mention final since Joel gets his h
One might almost think that Mile Morales is being used to replace Peter Parker altogether, but that would be kind of a silly thing to think since Peter Parker
How many people remember that Viagra was initially intended to help with heart-related chest pain? It’s likely that not many do since it’s been at
When a person figures out how stunts are made and executed it’s usually a time to say ‘wow’ and be duly impressed. This time is kind of diff