Author: Tom Foster

A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. As a novelist and a screenwriter, he enjoys promoting one story or another. With 18k+ articles and 40 novels written, Tom knows a little something about storytelling.

Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine? Nah.

The idea of who is going to play the role of Wolverine in the MCU has been ongoing for a while now since Hugh Jackman has been adamant that he’s not com

Movie Review: Avengement

It’s nice to see a movie that’s straightforward and to the point sometimes since it’s a nice break from having to sit and watch things move

Halo: “Homecoming” Recap

It’s not much of a surprise that many fans are groaning just a bit after this current episode as there isn’t a great deal of action in Homecoming,

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