True Detective 1.01 Review: “The Long Bright Walk”
The plot of HBO’s new crime drama True Detective isn’t an unfamiliar one, a story of ritualistic murders of white working girls in rural Louisiana
The plot of HBO’s new crime drama True Detective isn’t an unfamiliar one, a story of ritualistic murders of white working girls in rural Louisiana
Banshee‘s first season was a bit of a surprise last year: it’s not a show that tries to be very smart or philosophical, trading in big monologues
For four seasons, Treme‘s shown us a world fighting against itself to grow, to pick itself up by its bootstraps and rebuild after Hurricane Katrina, FEM
Although there’s a lot of narrative sprinting going on in “Sunset on Louisianne”, there’s still a lot of beautiful little touches that help
Never a show to rush into anything, I was hoping the truncated final season of Treme didn’t sacrifice its wonderfully meandering pace to adopt a more pl
From the opening scene, death looms over “This City” in every scene, be it the death of a person, a career, or an ideology once subscribed to. Always a sc
It’s the fall of 2008, and hope is in the air in New Orleans. Not the same kind of “well, things can’t get any worse, so it’s gotta get be
For seasons, The Walking Dead has struggled with longer narrative arcs: the show’s been at its best telling smaller, contained stories, like the introd
Last week, I pondered how long The Governor’s redemptive arc would last — turns out it was contained to the events of “Live Bait” and no further.
By adopting a storytelling style more akin to season three episodes like “Clear,” the fourth season of The Walking Dead has a little more breathing room f