Person of Interest 2.10 “Shadow Box” Recap
Another day, another case, and another happy ending—no, now wait a minute, it is the winter finale after all for Person of Interest.
Another day, another case, and another happy ending—no, now wait a minute, it is the winter finale after all for Person of Interest.
Finch and Reese try to keep an innocent cab driver safe from the Estonian mob when a mysterious laptop with information that could pose a threat to national s
Love is in the air on Person of Interest tonight as Finch and Reese deal with both a husband & wife having their numbers called up by the Machine
It’s a real team effort this week on Person of Interest as John and Harold find themselves spread too thin in the case of a surgeon forced to become the
In the concrete jungle of New York City, John Reese is perfectly at home in his expensive suit and flashy car. But this week’s Person of Interest gives
“Okay Finch, how am I supposed to save a woman who wants to put me on the front page?” That’s the problem facing Finch and Reese this week as the Ma
This week, Person of Interest presented an interesting scenario. What happens when the man who the Machine declares the next number is a victim not a perpetra
After last week’s episode which put in a pin in the Root storyline for now, and brought Harold Finch home it’s back to business as (almost) usual
Person of Interest goes on a road-trip to Texas as the hunt for Harold Finch continues. We also learn more about the origin story of the mysterious Root the h
John Reese and the Machine’s Code