Mini-Recap – Hell’s Kitchen 6.14 and 6.15
In tonight’s two-parter we whittle down one more contestant and finally reveal the winner of Season 6. The morning after the Final Three have been decid
In tonight’s two-parter we whittle down one more contestant and finally reveal the winner of Season 6. The morning after the Final Three have been decid
In the main story arc we have the case of the son of an insanely successful bazillionaire. Jack has suffered from some mystery ailment that has baffled sevent
In what seems like the directors extended cut of the ‘Previously On’segment, we pay extra attention to Van’s temper tantrums and Chef’
Immediately after the previous elimination, the teams head up to the dorms. Tennille excitedly dances with glee over Suzanne’s switch to the blue team.
Welcome to the mini-recap of Hell’s Kitchen Episodes 6×10 and 6×11. This is just a taste of the goings-on, and a fully detailed pair of recaps
Previously on Hell’s Kitchen: Tennille finally had a good service, Andy was slow again, Suzanne finally got sent up for elimination, and yet again Chef
This week on Lost: Our brains reel over who is good and who is bad. Meanwhile Locke gets hurt in about 5 places – both physically and otherwise, makes out w
This week on Lost, all the adult O6ers are leaving on a jet plane, and they don’t think they’re ever coming home. Before they can go, Ben has to
This week’s episode was right back up to speed with lots of on-island action and excitement. We got to see some back story, a heart break, a couple of k
Scranton’s continued success has given David Wallace the bone-headed idea to send Michael on a tour of all the branches (except Nashua) to give talks on