10 Things You Didn’t Know About Anna Kooiman

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Anna Kooiman

Anna Kooiman

Anna Kooiman was having the time of her life as a host on Fox News when she met Tim whom she married, and they relocated to Australia. She now works for Network Ten in Australia but always keeps her fans updated with her online activity on social media and blog. Her love for keeping fit has seen her become certified as an instructor and launch an online business. Here is more about Anna’s motherhood journey a well as professional life you most likely did not know.

1. She was worried about having preeclampsia in her pregnancy

There is no trying time for a woman, such as during her pregnancy; you go from fitting into your favorite heels to wearing sandals. Anna experienced the problem of fluid retention, and even after vowing never to wear heels and stick to athletic shoes, she still felt like a “Monsters, Inc.” character. She would sleep with her feet raised and do the press test in the morning only to have the skin staying sunken. Anna was therefore worried she might be having high blood pressure, but after consulting with the doctor, she was told she was okay.

2. Her first job was at 14

Anna had the opportunity to develop a strong work ethic in her teenage years when she got her first job at the family business, Peppermint Forest Christmas Shop. Her job description entailed pricing ornaments, and she still promotes the shop by talking about it during her shows. She is so proud of the business that she once took her crew to visit the shop during Christmas when she had gone back to Charlotte to do a Christmas feature.

3. She is obsessed with her dog

To say that Anna’s dog, Baxter, is her best friend would be an understatement. She has had him for over ten years, and everywhere she goes, she takes him with her. So much is her love for Baxter that he was a groomsman at her wedding, and when she and her husband went for a road trip from New York to San Francisco, she could not leave him behind. She admits that although her friends and family know how much she cherishes Baxter, they were shocked to learn that she would take him to live with her in Australia.

4. Her dog had been misdiagnosed

The firstborn in Anna’s family is Baxter, and when she noticed that he was vomiting everything he ate and drank, she and her husband Tom rushed him to the vet. The tests performed ruled out any medical condition that would cause the symptoms that Baxter was showing. The fact he was always on a leash and stayed inside the house, eating inappropriate things was also out of the question. Consequently, doctors thought that he had an incurable disease like cancer. Luckily, with more ultrasounds, Baxter was found to have swallowed a corn cob; hence after undergoing surgery, he was back on his feet again, according to Fox News.

5. She was an ambassador for Ronald McDonald House Charities

Since her college days, Anna has always been involved with Ronald McDonald House Charities, and in 2018, she announced that she had been selected to be the ambassador. Her first duty in her new role was to support the RBC Race for The Kids in raising $100,000 to help establish a home for critically ill children as well as their families.

6. Why she left her job as “Fox and Friends Weekend” host

Once you meet your soulmate, you do everything possible to ensure that you are together. According to WECT News, when she met Tim and even before he proposed, Anna had promised that she would go and spend time with his family. For Anna, it was the least she could for Tim, who had shown how much he wanted to be part of her life by getting to know all her family in North Carolina. Therefore Anna had to quit her job and go to Australia to learn about the Aussie culture and Tim’s background.

7. She has a fitness blog

The TV host has always led an active life: jogging, running marathons, jumping and many more activities. Her life before getting pregnant entailed dancing and even teaching exercise classes. However, after giving birth, she realized she could not go back to being active immediately. She started jogging after her baby turned nine months old. Anna still wanted to help women who wanted to keep fit after becoming mothers. Therefore she catered the Strong Sexy Mama blog for mothers to work out from home.

8. Her proposal had mixed reactions

When Tim and Anna were vacationing in Australia, an engagement was not on her mind. However, as they watched the sunrise over the Sydney Harbor, Tim proposed to her and Anna accepted with laughter and tears simultaneously. The two had dated for three years after meeting in 2012 during Hurricane Sandy when Tim was visiting his friends in New York.

9. She was once the subject of criticism 2014

In 2014, Anna suggested that the pilots of AirAsia flight Q8Z501 had caused the disappearance of the plane because they used metrics instead of imperial measurements. She argued that the difference in the way pilots are trained could also have been the cause of the airplane disappearing. People on social media could not keep quiet about what seemed to be her ignorance. As a result, one person said she might be the stupidest human on earth. Another added that he was shocked that people are paid to be idiots. Someone else explained the disappearance had nothing to do with metrics but with the equator position.

10. She had an iron infusion during pregnancy

Like Anna confesses, pregnancy can drain not just your energy but even your minerals; no wonder expectant mothers have to take some supplements. In her experience, Anna had her iron so low that she had to have an iron infusion. Since her hair was brittle and dull, she wondered if the lack of iron was affecting how her hair looked.

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