Amanda the Adventurer: Everything to Know About the Horror Video Game

Amanda the Adventurer takes a spin on video games’ found footage horror genre. Although the game is designed to be scary, Amanda the Adventurer is a fun game to play for gamers looking for a quick adventure experience. The indie game was created as a spoof of the popular Dora the Explorer cartoon, and it is a lot darker. Amanda the Adventurer was developed by Mangledmaw Games and published by DreadXP.

Amanda the Adventurer is a first-person game that quickly becomes addictive if one looks past its creepiness. As an interactive game, players are often offered several choices. With a few alternative endings, players’ answers to Amanda’s questions can ultimately change the game’s progression. Here’s everything to know about the horror video game Amanda the Adventurer.

Amanda the Adventurer’s Game Plot

Players are the game’s protagonist, Riley Park. Riley’s aunt, Aunt Kate, has left her home to Riley and asks, through a letter, that she check out the items in the attic. However, Aunt Kate warns that should Riley decide to watch the Amanda VHS tapes, there’s “no going back.” A curious Riley goes up to the attic to find the “In the Kitchen” tape next to a TV with a VHS. As titled, the tape introduces two characters in a kitchen. A dark-skinned female cartoon character with black Afro puff hair introduces herself as Amanda. Also, her sheep companion introduces himself as Wooly.

In the “In the Kitchen” tape, players (as Riley) are expected to provide answers to questions Amanda asks. Several hints will help Riley find clues to puzzles and reveal other VHS tapes. However, depending on Riley’s decision at different points in the game, she’ll find alternate paths that offer a different ending. If players can find all the clues and alternate plots, Amanda the Adventurer’s final tape is “We Can Share.” The tape ends after Riley destroys the TV and a masked figure enters the attic.

How to Play Amanda the Adventurer Video Game

In “In the Kitchen,” after Amanda and Wooly introduce themselves, she announces that they’ll be making an apple pie. After Wooly adds that his favorite pie is peach, Amanda will ask Riley, “What’s your favorite kind of pie?” A six-letter prompt is provided to players to type an answer. Amanda would respond with a “Mmm, that sounds delicious!” response to your answer. (Hint: type “lamb” or “mutton” for a slightly different effect).

If players follow the instructions, “In the Neighborhood (Version 1)” tape is revealed. If players cause the oven to combust, rather than following Amanda’s instructions, an alternate “In the Neighborhood (Version 2)” tape is found. Do this by raising the oven’s temperature. Bake a peach pie (Wooly’s favorite) instead of an apple pie to reveal a secret tape. The same applies when the “In the Neighborhood” tape is played, irrespective of the version. As a game with alternate endings, look for clues to other versions and secret tapes. 

In “In the Neighborhood,” find the Blabbot and insert “150325” into it for “Oh No! Accidents! (Version 2)”. The next episode/tape is “What’s a Family?” A secret tape appears if a player writes “Sam” after Amanda asks, “Look at the chickens! Do you know what the daddy is called?” Answering “Yes” to Amanda’s “Will you help the lonely kitten?” will take players to “Everything Rots (Version 2).” Answering “No” three times turns Amanda into a monster that kills Riley. For fun, keep providing wrong answers to see how Amanda responds.

Amanda the Adventurer Game Platforms

Amanda the Adventurer horror video game

Amanda the Adventurer was first released on PC on April 8, 2022. However, these were demo releases. The full game was released on PC on April 25, 2023. It was released on Nintendo Switch five months later, on September 19, 2023. Although the gameplay remains the same on both platforms, unlike on the PC, Nintendo Switch players cannot type out answers. Usually, answer prompts are provided to choose from. 

With the success of the game on both platforms and the clamoring for release on other platforms, the game’s developers gave an update to that effect in May 2024. Amanda the Adventurer will soon be available on Android, iOS, and consoles. Although a definite release date is yet to be announced, there are great expectations from gamers. On June 10, DreadXP announced that Amanda the Adventurer 2 will be released on Steam in the fall of 2024. If you enjoyed reading about Amanda the Adventurer horror video game, here’s everything you need to know about Hogwarts Legacy‘s complete walkthrough.

Watch Amanda the Adventurer 2 Official Trailer Below:

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