Akira Live-Action Remake Is Still a Go With Taika Waititi to Direct


Those waiting on the live-action Akira movie and hoping that Taika Waititi will still direct it can rest easy knowing that he still wants and plans to do this, but the bad news as Ryan Scott from MovieWeb tells it is that they’ll be waiting for another couple years since he’s going to be busy with Thor: Love and Thunder. Does anyone else think that the title belongs on an 80s cartoon and NOT an MCU movie? Be that as it may the idea is still a go for Taika since he does want to keep his interest in the movie and he is planning to get back to it, but the MCU is still keeping him pretty busy at the moment as he’s working on bringing Jane Foster into the role of Thor and possibly getting set to upset the fans even worse since no matter that a female Thor might be awesome, the fanboys and all those that see that feminism is in a big way starting to assert itself in movies are likely get their shorts in a bunch as the female version of one of the most well-known Marvel heroes hits the big screen.

Akira has been a movie idea for years now and has also been one that’s been getting pushed back since other, bigger projects were placed in front of it even though the script was pretty much done and ready to be adapted. But hopefully another project won’t come along since Taika seems to be eager to get onto this movie and get it done. One thing that a lot of people are hoping for is that it won’t deviate all that much, if at all, from the original manga since if you’re keeping score, the Marvel universe deviated the moment they moved forward from Iron Man and haven’t stopped doing it since. It’s understandable at times to think that a story has to be changed for one reason or another in order to make sense to the audience, but the hope is that enough is left the same that people won’t be wanting to rip the director a new one as a lot of fans have taken to doing, or have at least tried to do, to several movies in the past few years. Fans have become notorious for letting their displeasure be known ever since the advent of chat rooms and such sites have only grown in number throughout the years as more and more people seem to think that their mounting opinions are going to be seen as anything but venting.

So really folks, chill, Taika still wants to get on this idea but he’s going to have to move past the next Thor movie first and hopefully won’t be occupied by another MCU movie right after that. It’s easy to think that Disney might try to do that since Taika is a great director and Thor: Ragnarok was entertaining in a big way even if it took a great deal from Planet Hulk and kind of left us hanging when it came to the big green guy getting mopped up by Thor for a bit only to become victorious when the Grandmaster decided to cheat. Personally I think leaving the Hulk out of Ragnarok would have been better as it could have set up the whole World War Hulk arc that could have brought in numerous heroes, as this would have been great to see since Disney acquired Fox and now has access to so many more big names that would be used for such a melee. In fact it does feel safe to say that World War Hulk could have been just as big if not bigger than Infinity War thanks to Disney’s acquisition.

But it sounds as though Akira is set to come out in 2021 according to Ollie Barder of Forbes, as is the next Thor movie, which means that Taika is going to be extremely busy since you can imagine that taking on two big projects, and one smaller one apparently somewhere in between, will tax him greatly and leave the poor guy hoping for a vacation at the end of all of it, if that’s allowed and he gets the time. As you can tell he’s been quite the busy man in Hollywood for a while now since he’s been pushing movies that people want to watch and showing that he can deliver when he’s really given the chance. Like I said, hopefully Akira will be faithful to the story and will give fans what they’re hoping for in one way or another since otherwise it’s likely to be roasted. With Taika though it seems like a safe bet that he’ll be paying attention to what people want to see and will give more than passing consideration to the source material.

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