Is the Show I Love a Mama’s Boy Fake?

Is the Show I Love a Mama’s Boy Fake?

Mother/son relationships can be some of the closest bonds in the world, but is it possible for a mother to be too close to her son? This is something the TLC series, I Love a Mama’s Boy, aims to explore. The show features a cast of mothers and sons whose relationships are deemed unusual by almost everyone who knows them. In fact, it’s gotten to the point that these relationships have started to affect the sons’ relationships with their significant other. Some of the things on the show are so bizarre that they’re almost hard to believe. While it’s true that the truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction, there are some people who are calling the network’s bluff about the show. Is the TV show I Love a Mama’s Boy too weird to be real? Keep reading to find out.

What’s So Weird About I Love A Mama’s Boy?

If the overall premise of I Love a Mama’s Boy sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because it’s very similar to another show that airs on the network: sMothered. Unlike I Love a Mama’s Boy, sMothered focuses on mother/daughter relationships and there is less of an emphasis on how the relationship impacts romantic connections. Still, both shows have left lots of viewers totally weirded out.

If you haven’t seen the show, you may have a hard time imagining what could possibly be so strange about these mother/son relationships. The truth is, things get pretty weird. For example, there’s a scene an I Love a Mama’s Boy where Matt not only goes lingerie shopping with his mom, but she picks out a lingerie set that she thinks he should buy for his girlfriend.

There is also a mother on the show, Laila, who takes great pride in feeding her son, Shekab. When I say feeding, I mean literally picking the food up and putting it in his mouth – something he is fully capable of doing on his own.

Some of the other weird antics that take place on the show are a mother reportedly using a tracking device on her almost 30-year-old son so she can know where he is at all times. Ironically, the son and his fiancee don’t seem to have a problem with his mom’s meddling behavior. While all of the moms on the show seem to be coming from a place of genuine love for their son, their actions can sometimes be a little cringey.

Is The Show Fake?

Since some of the things that happen on I Love a Mama’s Boy seem like they’re straight out of a Lifetime movie, there’s no surprise that there are lots of people who believe the show is scripted. Many viewers also accused sMothered of being scripted. As far as we can tell, however, the show is about as real as reality TV gets. Additionally, casting calls for the show clearly state that the opportunity is for a reality TV series. We also weren’t able to find any information that suggests that anyone on the show is an actor which is always a good sign.

Just because the show isn’t scripted doesn’t mean its entirely real, however. Many reality shows have been known to put cast members in situations that are designed to amp up the drama. While there’s no evidence that I Love a Mama’s Boy does this, it wouldn’t be surprising. On top of that, reality TV edits can often create an entirely different scenario than the one that actually took place.

Even if the show was scripted, TLC would never admit that. Cast members would probably be also sworn to secrecy in the form of an NDA.

Will The Show Be Renewed?

There hasn’t been an official announcement on whether or not I Love a Mama’s Boy will be brought back for a second season. The fact that the show still appears to be casting is a good sign. Another good sign is that sMothered was renewed for a second season. If the show does come back for another season, it’ll be interesting to see which cast members return and if there are any new people who join the roster.

Even though the show is strange, it’s one of those things that hooks you in. Once you watch one episode you’ll find yourself wanting to follow along with the cast members’ stories. With more and more people spending extra time at home due to the pandemic, I Love a Mama’s Boy could be the perfect thing to watch.

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