One thing that Jessica Fisher of GeekTyrant and many others still have to answer when talking about a Rose Tico show is: why? That’s still a question that has yet to be fully explained since the most common answer is ‘she deserves better’. Unfortunately a lot of folks seemed to have forgotten, in their fervor to point out that Rose has little screen time in Rise of Skywalker, that she was a SUPPORTING character and didn’t have enough to do with the main arc of the story as to gain her own distinctive story within the end of the saga. The Rise of Skywalker was more concerned with the overall story and focused more on Kylo/Ben and Rey and their rush to meet Palpatine than anything, and the Resistance was there to offer support and bring the Last Order down when needed. A Rose Tico show could very well happen but at this point and time it feels as though it’s bound to tank if only because once those clamoring for the show are given what they want they’re going to realize just how little interest they had beyond making some noise over a character that got so much flack in The Last Jedi. It’d be kind of hilarious really to think that some of those calling for the show were those that claimed Rose’s character made no sense in the last movie.
At this point Star Wars is and has been a mess when it comes to story lines since there are those of us that want to see more of the expanded universe make it into the current canon, as there have been parts that have been adapted if one looks closely and it’s very possible that more will be added in as time goes on. But a Rose Tico show simply feels as though it would be paying service to a group of rabid fans whose interests change like the tides and will ebb when they see just how she translates to the small screen, which doesn’t seem like it will be all that great unless there are explosions and intense action scenes going off every few seconds. If that’s the plan then sure, go for it, but if not then it’s probably best to leave Rose where she is and enjoy the fact that she was even a part of this franchise for a bit. There’s always a possibility that she might come back when Star Wars movies start gracing the big screen again, right? A show about this character would not be catering or pandering to the fans, it would like giving a spoiled child a snack either right before or right after dinner just because they whined loud and long enough that feeding them is the only way to get them to shut up. In other words the diehard Star Wars ‘fans’ that are screaming for this right now aren’t bound to be mollified for long since they’ll likely go on to something else and make it known that this or that character didn’t get enough screen time and now it’s time for THEM to have a show.
Seriously, will Kuiil from The Mandalorian get a show next? How about the life of IG-11, or even better how about one of the anonymous stormtroopers that are seen so often in Star Wars movies? After all this is where Finn came from, right? See how that works? If every single character in the story, no matter how well-known or innocuous, is given a story then the story itself is going to become diluted and eventually cause the franchise to look like an even bigger joke than some people already think it is. Sure Rose had an arc within the story and sure it’s enough to think that she might be able to go on in the books and even show up on screen again, but as a supporting character, as she came in, not as a lead. That’s a story that could possibly go somewhere but could also go nowhere in an even bigger hurry. This idea that Rose needs her own show bears some further examination, as do the heads that are trying to come up with reasons that people should accept it. Obviously stranger ideas have come across the board throughout the years but this is one that really needs to be thoroughly checked to make sure that it’s about the character and nothing else, as TLJ showed us a little too well that the story isn’t the only thing that’s being pushed when it comes to various directors and those operating behind the scenes.
If the series was an action series and focused heavily on the Resistance and not just on Rose then sure, it could work for a while. Otherwise this sounds like a road to nowhere at this time.
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