Days of Our Lives fans love a shocking and crazy story line, but what happens when a character simply doesn’t do it for you anymore? Have you been through that situation when one of your favorites simply isn’t your favorite anymore, and you don’t know what to do about it? You’re lost thinking that you need to find a reason to continue to love that person, but you’re not sure you can do it. They aren’t lovable anymore. They’re not exciting. They don’t have the same punch they did in the past. Their lines are boring, their character falls short, and you’re stuck in limbo. You loved the character so much, and suddenly they’re so unexciting you cannot even function. These Days of Our Lives characters gave us those feelings, and we hope they can come back from that.
Jennifer Horton
There was a time when she was one of the most exciting women on the show, but that was a long time ago. We love her, but we love to see her have more lines, more fun, and more drama in her life. When she was younger, she was on fire. Nothing stopped her or even slowed her down. She was always pushing the envelope and the line, and she was not exactly going to do anything that made her the most popular girl on the block. She was a magic character who made us all wonder what she would do next, and then she just stopped all of that and worked on nothing. Her journalism career ended. She began doing all kinds of things that don’t make us excited, and she’s focused on being sad or else being there for her kids. We don’t mind that she’s there for her kids, but we are bored with her.
Eric Brady
He’s another one that was once so much more exciting, but Nicole ruined him. More than that, she ruined him so many times that he’s basically a shell of a person because of her. Basically, the last time he was exciting was the night he got into the car and drove home drunk and killed his friends and ruined their lives. Not that we condone that behavior at all, but he’s been a mean, quiet, not so lovable kind since then. And while we get that this would make him feel pretty much like the worst person on earth and he can’t get over it, he’s not made himself very likable over the years since. Perhaps it is because he does nothing but fall into the same pattern anytime Nicole is mentioned or shown on screen, but he’s a lovesick puppy. We kind of like that, but her death is taking care of him in that manner. And now he’s just boring. What will his life be like without her, and how will that work for his character now?
Hope and Rafe
Okay, so this one is a bit of a mixed feelings kind of situation. We do love them together, and we are good with them in every single manner. We love that they love one another and have one another, but they’ve gotten boring. She’s too busy with her daughter and her niece, and he’s too busy making sure she’s all right that they are both boring. They haven’t worked on anything special. They aren’t planning a big wedding. They aren’t having a baby. They aren’t doing anything exciting at the moment, and they need a case. They need something. They need to kill someone or do something that makes them have to work together in a way that makes them exciting again. We don’t know what they need to do, but they need to do something. Seeing them worry about one another all the time in everyday lifestyle kinds of situations gets a little old. We might say we don’t like the soap characters who are so involved in all the drama, but it seems that we do like it when they are involved in all the drama — so if the writer’s could bring them a bit of drama of their own in the near future, that would be more than a little wonderful for fans.
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