10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie, “The Autopsy of Jane Doe”

10 Things You Didn’t Know about the Movie, “The Autopsy of Jane Doe”

The Autopsy of Jane Doe is the type of movie you don’t watch at night unless you have nerves of steel and aren’t scared by anything short of the apocalypse. While the title doesn’t boldly proclaim what it’s about that becomes fairly obvious as the story goes into detail with the initial surroundings in which Jane Doe is found. Once they get her to the morgue however it only gets more confusing and a whole lot more terrifying. Those Wiccans that don’t appreciate the type of representation that Hollywood grants to their beliefs might find offense with something like this, but for anyone else it’s a sure thrill ride once the real action begins.

From the strangeness of the body that’s been brought in to the weird and disturbing things that continue to happen as the movie goes on, this movie is sure to get you jumping out of your seat a time or two as you attempt to anticipate the next jump scare. That’s what makes a good horror movie however, the notion that you’ll be attempting to anticipate everything and yet won’t be able to fully handle it when that moment finally comes. In frightening the audience the director gets both a good laugh and a sense of accomplishment since the moment that scare comes they know that people will jump, twitch, or react in some way that they were trying so hard to avoid. Once the scare is over they might tell themselves it wasn’t so bad and that they can take it next time. But then again, the human body and mind are conditioned to react to various stimuli, and if the body says jump, then you’re going to jump.

Here are a few things about the movie that won’t make you jump in terror.

10. The director this movie was inspired to make a horror film after watching The Conjuring.

After watching The Conjuring he decided that he wanted a script that would be something unique and capable of being delivered to the audience in a basic, very fundamental form. What he came up with was something that the audience has seen a lot of, but in a way that isn’t typically explored.

9. The film actually unnerved Stephen King.

That could be why he was more than willing to give his endorsement to it, but he was also shaken by the story, which means it has to be something special since King is the undeniable master of horror.

8. Martin Sheen was originally in the cast but he had bow out.

Things happen and actors have conflicting schedules at times. Sheen was going to play the role of Tommy, but instead Brian Cox was brought in to play opposite Emile Hirsch.

7. It’s commonly known that Doe is the name given to an individual that hasn’t been or can’t be identified.

It becomes John Doe for a male, Jane Doe for a female, and can even be taken down to Johnny Doe or Janie Doe for boys and girls that are given this designation. That’s kind of a sad thought, children dying without being identified, but it’s the way that they’re classified when it does happen.

6. The elevator scene was the director’s favorite scene to shoot.

He enjoyed the camera angles and the manner in which the shot seemed to capture the look of corpse. Everyone has their thing it seems, but the aesthetics of the shot are what he was alluding to.

5. It was given a very positive review.

For being more an Indie film it got great reviews, even though it’s fair to say that word about this film wasn’t as widespread as it could have been. Upon watching the trailer however you might think that it has some real promise.

4. Unless you watch the preview you won’t have any idea what it’s about.

Honestly, the title doesn’t give anything away and neither does the picture you see below. The director seems to have played this very close to the vest when it comes to how the title leads into the rest of the movie.

3. Witchcraft is still very feared to this day by some people.

It’s a rather irrational fear but one that is brought on by generations of superstition and the belief that witchcraft is still in use today and can be used to harm people. People that belong to the Wicca faith are quite adamant about witchcraft in pop culture being entirely unreliable as a source by which to define witches.

2. The movie had a $6 million dollar budget.

That’s a very modest budget really and from the looks of things much of it went into the special effects, which can be a good or a bad thing.

1. The script had appeared on the black list.

This list is updated annually and contains scripts that might be favored but aren’t thought to be quite good enough to make a movie. Obviously someone believes differently now and then.

Take the time to watch this one and try not to jump.

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