10 Facts You Didn’t Know about “The Poughkeepsie Tapes”

10 Facts You Didn’t Know about “The Poughkeepsie Tapes”

The Poughkeepsie Tapes had the opportunity to be one of the most disturbing horror movies of all time but the problem was that it was pulled before it could be released to the world and spread its documentary-style terror. Either someone must have thought it was completely over the top or there might have been an issue with the release, but it was a giant disappointment to people that had been waiting to see if the hype was real. People will almost always enjoy horror movies simply for the thrill and the opportunity to be scared. It’s something that people can’t seem to do without at times since they tend to feel more alive when they’re being terrified.

This might have gone over the top however.

10. It was supposed to be released in 2007 but it never happened.

As it was mentioned above the movie was pulled from theaters and straight to DVD without much of a reason being given as to why.

9. The entire film was shot in 15 days.

Even for a film such as this that seems like kind of a record.

8. The film was shot from the killer’s perspective.

The jumpy quality of the film, the weird angles, and the jerking way that it was shot kind of unnerves some people but it definitely grants the film a little more authenticity, as if someone was actually filming everything they did.

7. It was one of the most gruesome films in history even if some of the violence was implied.

Even if you simply read about the things that were done in this film you might feel the need to purge your stomach. It gets pretty bad, enough so that it’s hard to imagine a human being doing this to another human being.

6. There were of course people that thought the movie was based on real life. 

With this style of filming it’s very easy for people to think that it was a real story that might have happened. But of course if it had happened people would still be buzzing about it at that point and would have known about the murders for some time.

5. It received a 50 percent on Rotten Tomatoes.

Rotten Tomatoes is usually a site that people avoid since it tends to give out very confusing ratings to great movies and stellar ratings to movies that many people think were horrible. But on this one they at least hedged their bets.

4. It had a very modest budget.

There couldn’t have been a huge budget for something like this, just enough to pay the actors and possibly gain permission for use of some of the sites and footage.

3. DirecTV was where it showed up first. 

In 2014 DirectTV was going to release the film finally, but it got pulled from there as well.

2. The film used a lot of lesser-known actors.

There might be a few in there that are fairly well known but going by their names alone they aren’t the A-list that one might otherwise expect.

1. There were over 800 tapes used by the killer. 

That’s disturbing simply because someone would need the patience of Job to create such a video library.

The movie was simply disturbing.

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