Bruce Lee Scenes Recreated with Lightsabers

How cool would it be to see lightsabers in Bruce Lee movies? Okay, okay, so it would be highly impractical since logic suggests that Bruce and the rest of the cast would end up dicing themselves into pieces, or having to since the dynamic of their weapons doesn’t really allow for a weapon that can cut through anything being contact with your skin. But let’s say for logic’s sake that the lightsabers were turned down to training level so that they would wound but not kill.  It’s possible since in the prequels it was never stated, but younglings worked with training sabers that would help them gain the balance and skill needed with a saber but not have to worry about hurting themselves.

What about that? Tell me it’s not cool to see Bruce whirling a pair of saber-chucks, just try to do that with a straight face. Now he might get stung quite a bit or burned until he figured out to handle them without coming so close to his skin, but it would be a show unlike any other since those whirling twin blades would be coming so fast that most opponents might not know which way to look before they’d been tagged two or three times in rapid succession. He was so good with the nunchucks that to think that he wouldn’t be able to master the saber chucks is kind of silly. I know some people might not like this since it’s mixing a real legend with an area of pop culture for a good laugh and a fantastical view of something that could never be. But lighten up.

It’s a fun look into a big ‘what if scenario’ that someone obviously had fun with and was enjoyable as well. You could put a lightsaber into a lot of action films an make it work somehow, and Bruce Lee films are definitely something where a saber would work many times. Think about Enter the Dragon and how that would work. That would be just TOO awesome. The man was a real legend but I’d like to think that if he were still alive that he’d get a kick out of something like this. He might have his own opinion about it but that’s to be expected. I happen to think that he might smile and maybe at the worst call it foolish but entertaining. After all the internet is for having fun at times and this is just fun.

Watching Bruce Lee in movies and in random clips is always fun since he was highly entertaining and just that good. He wasn’t like a lot of those people on TV today that might have gone through martial arts training but are still more glam than anything. There are still genuine martial artists in films but a lot of of them are starting to get old and their ranks aren’t exactly being built up again so that the next generation can take that torch when it’s finally passed.

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